
Yet another database connector - I DECLARE THIS REPOSITORY DEPRECATED !

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Build Status

Database connector, selection immutability, data mapping.

Driver support

  • Complete MySQL 5.5 and higher (via PDO);
  • Complete PostgreSQL 9.1 and higher (via ext_pgsql or PDO);
  • Partial MySQL 5.1 support (via PDO);
  • Partial PostgreSQL 7.4 support (via ext_pgsql or PDO);



The following API are available:

  • connection and session API, allows you to handle dual-connection mode with one readonly connection and a write connection;

  • converter map, allowing native SQL to native PHP type conversion in both ways;

  • complete transaction handling, with isolation level, savepoint and constraint deferring support;

  • raw SQL quering, prepared statements management;

  • query builder API, supporting select, insert, update and delete.

This API is highly experimental and subject to change!


This tool aims to cover the same areas as most ORM will do, with a radically different software design and approach:

  • you shall not map relations onto objects: objects are mutable graphs while relations are a mathematical concept, both do not play well together;

  • selecting data is projecting a unique set of data at a specific point in time: selected data is not the truth, it's only a representation of it;

  • selected data will always be immutable, you need it for viewing or displaying purpose, but since it only represents a degraded, altered projection of your data at a specific point in time, you should never modify it; as soon as you did selected data, someone else probably already modified it!

  • selected data will always be typed, never cast strings ever again! Your database knows better than you the data types it carries, why not trust it and let you enjoy what the database really gives to you?

  • data alteration (insertion, update, merge and deletion) can not happen using entity objects, you can not alter something that's already outdated;

  • everyone needs a query builder; but everyone needs to be able to write real SQL queries too;

  • CRUD is too much of a standard now, but there are so many cases where you don't need it.


This API is composed of several components, that are slightly coupled:

  • Converters have no dependency, it aims to convert PHP types to SQL types and vice-versa, it also know how to cast those types;

  • The Hydrator API provides raw result convertion to business class objects hydration, it has no dependency;

  • Runnable is a stripped down API that gives the bare minimum interface to query a database engine and the basics for result iterator interfaces. Iterators rely upon the Hydrator component to provide full-fledge business objects;

  • The query builder aims to build valid SQL queries via a feature-complete fluent API, it only depends on the converters, to build those queries, and on the runnable, to execute those queries;

  • Drivers are complete implementations of runnables, which depends upon all the other components.


  • Get started, installation and configuration guide (@todo)
  • Write SQL (@todo)
  • Query builders (@todo)
  • Transactions (@todo)


  • (pending) allow named parameters
  • (pending) mapper: table proxy interface
  • (postponed) better parameter handling in AbstractDriver
  • (postponed) DDL ALTER TABLE? - not sure I want this right now
  • (postponed) DDL CREATE TABLE? - not sure I want this right now
  • (postponed) INSERT/UPDATE fallback when RETURNING is not supported
  • (postponed) MERGE queries
  • (postponed) SELECT with sub-select at select level
  • (postponed) UNION queries
  • drupal, travis: install Drupal DBTNG without core for testing
  • drupal: implement drupal 8 runner
  • mapper: createSelect()
  • mapper: findAll() sorting order
  • mapper: findFirst() tests
  • mapper: order by
  • mapper: range
  • mapper: various getters tests
  • MySQL default transaction level in configuration
  • Query cloning does not clone relation (object is immutable)
  • session: connection: add logger and notifications
  • session: test with write and read connections
  • session: write-only/read-only connection support, fallback when transaction
  • transaction: document deffer helpers
  • transaction: document immediate per default
  • transaction: document isolation levels
  • transaction: FOR UPDATE / FOR SHARE query dissociation from SELECT
  • travis: basic integration
  • travis: create a test suite per (driver, database version target) couple
  • travis: pgsql/mysql matrix such as https://github.com/MagicStack/asyncpg/commit/fcb3f5429d2570910eee8fe09583063fe7b76597
  • travis: use docker to test
  • WHERE builder tests: subqueries tests
  • performance: improve get column metadata for PDO: impossible due to native calls
  • converters: change method names to avoid confusion with hydrator
  • converters: per default better definition
  • converters: should carry a type and aliases (better auto detection)
  • converters: specific instances per driver
  • converters: type map per driver
  • DDL TRUNCATE testing
  • DELETE queries
  • DELETE queries testing
  • drupal: implement drupal 7 runner
  • expression vs statement: query builder improvements
  • ext-pgsql driver
  • ext_pgsql: basic implementation
  • ext_pgsql: document it is both faster and more secure
  • ext_pgsql: improve error handling
  • generic way to dissociate raw SQL string from raw values
  • improve WHERE builder tests: raw statement / sub where
  • Large Object Binary stream handling for drivers that supports it
  • mapper: basic object mapping (using hydrator)
  • mapper: object hydration mechanism
  • mapper: object mapping
  • move source to src/ folder
  • parametric testing for backends
  • performance: reduce functions calls for converters
  • RIGHT and FULL JOIN types
  • security: identifier testing https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings
  • security: parameter injcetion testing using https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings
  • session: add basic session support (dual connection handling)
  • switch to strict types
  • transaction support
  • transaction: test allow pending
  • transaction: test savepoints
  • transaction: test weak ref handling (only when extension is present)
  • untangle ArgumentBag
  • UPDATE queries
  • UPDATE query testing
  • WHERE with SELECT within
  • WITH support