
PHP simple, fast and flexible object normalizer

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Experimental PHP object normalizer

Data normalizer that is built over a very strict (de)normalization process aiming the following goals:

  • be liberal in what you accept,

  • be converservative in what you send,

  • strict typing of everything, attempt to avoid dangling mixed type whenever it is possible,

  • do not rely on heavy magic, in opposition to what symfony/serializer does,

  • allow any weird objects, private properties, private constructors, immutable data structures and all other use case we could encounter to work gracefully throught this component,

  • allow partial objects to be hydrated in case of partial or broken input,

  • property group support, partial object extraction and denormalization,

  • property and type alias support and easy configuration, allowing you to work with this component in aging and evolving applications ensuring maximum compatibility with legacy data or external application interfaces,

  • do not ever crash in case of error,

  • let any external validation layer to do its own job, this component will never enforce any kind of validation,

  • be as fast as possible, but features and resilience always come at some cost.

Project status

Is remain an experimental project until the following features are reached:

  • better reflection discovery using typings directly from PHP whenver possible,

  • better API to replace the context factory,

  • symfony normalizer proxy,

  • symfony context options support for transparent compatibility,

  • symfony bundle for autoconfiguration,

  • implement a few more custom normalizers (SPL files, ...),

  • user configuration merging with reflection determined definitions,

  • user configuration documentation


Types definitions map

Types definitions along with their aliases, properties definitions and aliases is an immutable, front cached giant hashmap behaving as a key-value store that holds every information on types we need to build a (de)normalization plan.

The types definitions map is alimented by side components that need to be explicitely setup:

  • most basic one is a plain PHP array containing the whole configuration, suitable for caching as a generated PHP files,

  • a YAML definition mecanism, iso with the PHP version, alowing for human editing for types definitions,

  • a dynamic at runtime configuration pass using the reflection API and symfony/property-info component if available,

  • a definition chain and merge implementation allowing all of those implementations to live side by side,

  • front cache implementation to live independently of those implementations.

This component has no dependency on any other functionnal domain of this API.

Type definition builder

Based on the type definition map interfaces, it provides implementations able to introspect for data types.

Each of these implementations might have as many external dependencies as they need for completing its task.


Hydrator component must be fast, and should never call object constructors nor attempt any validation, it's basically a component that just set values onto object properties.

Hydrator component should always be stateless and context-free. It handles:

  • at normalization, the very first operation which is extracting an object values as a not yet normalized array, upon which the normalizer will be able to work on,

  • at denormalization, the very last operation which is injecting the denormalized values into the object.

An external component is used, it has no dependency on any other functionnal domain of this API.


Context is basically an option container, along with a few helpers for hanlding recursivity, graph and circular references detection.

Context is also responsible to hold the types definitions reference and feed the normalizer and denormalizer with types information along its object graph traversal.


Default normalizer and denormalizer are rather simple. More documentation to come about design choices.


This API was orignally built from a functionnal pure pseudo-code working algorithm, which was then converted to an object oriented, interface based API more suitable for existing frameworks.

Because the idea of generating (de)normalizers was growing, a new approach has been taken:

  • in the src/Generated folder, the same code exists in many versions, side by side, each version being a new evolution from the previous,

  • iteration 1 code is the pseudo yet working functional code, existing purely as a proof of concept,

  • iteration 2 attempts a naive version of code generation,

  • iteration 3 is a refined version of iteration 1, using external function helpers for dealing with scalar types and error handling,

  • iteration 4 is a refined version of iteration 2 which generates code that uses iteration 3 helpers, and much more readable and debugable code that the previous iteration.

More iterations will come, a few things are still missing in generated code:

  • normalization has not been implemented, only denormalization,
  • direct calls to other existing generated denormalizers,
  • ability to plug custom arbitrary (de)normalizers for when a type is unknown,
  • restore it into a object oriented API,
  • unit tests.


Benchmarks compare Symfony implementation vs this API implementation VS all iterations verions.

Running benchmarks

In order to run benchmarks:

vendor/bin/phpbench run --report 'generator: "table", sort: {benchmark: "asc", mean: "asc"}'

Run them with XDebug profiler enable (warning this will create a huge lot of profiling files):

XDEBUG_CONFIG="remote_enable=0 profiler_enable=1" vendor/bin/phpbench run --report 'generator: "table"' --revs 5

Compare only denormalization:

vendor/bin/phpbench run --report 'generator: "table", sort: {benchmark: "asc", mean: "asc"}' --iterations=10 --revs=10 --filter=Denorm

Arbitrary recent benchmark run result on php 7.3:

Please note that all results are to be taken with prudence: some of the iterations don't lead to coherent data, Symfony itself misbehave sometimes.

Also you have to note that Symfony implementation is not bootstrapped using full caches, as it would within a Symfony application in production mode, nevertheless you have to take into account that:

  • class discrimination is not setup, it makes it faster,
  • no annotations were used, and Doctrine annotations are not setup, it should also make it faster,
  • tested use cases are not complex, there is no nested objects, only one in the "article" tests.

Implementations that works fine are:

  • Iteration1
  • Iteration7
  • Custom

Because normalizers were very, very fast to implement after the denormalizer skeleton was fully written, going throught all iterations for normalization was unnecessary, only iterations 1 and 7 are implemented.

Denormalizing very small objects

| benchmark             | subject                       | tag | groups | params | revs | its | mem_peak   | best        | mean        | mode        | worst       | stdev     | rstdev | diff  |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration4WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,574,808b | 375.333μs   | 387.516μs   | 380.785μs   | 471.400μs   | 23.159μs  | 5.98%  | 1.00x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration4WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,574,808b | 375.800μs   | 393.218μs   | 383.998μs   | 464.933μs   | 24.479μs  | 6.23%  | 1.01x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration2WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,576,832b | 415.133μs   | 426.733μs   | 428.398μs   | 445.667μs   | 7.848μs   | 1.84%  | 1.10x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration5WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,574,544b | 405.667μs   | 429.862μs   | 417.228μs   | 515.067μs   | 27.733μs  | 6.45%  | 1.11x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration2WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,576,832b | 414.667μs   | 431.213μs   | 424.981μs   | 504.000μs   | 20.994μs  | 4.87%  | 1.11x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration5WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,574,544b | 405.000μs   | 436.693μs   | 416.286μs   | 618.600μs   | 54.919μs  | 12.58% | 1.13x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration7WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,577,280b | 455.933μs   | 475.782μs   | 467.184μs   | 521.267μs   | 20.208μs  | 4.25%  | 1.23x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration6WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,574,920b | 464.000μs   | 483.707μs   | 474.056μs   | 568.867μs   | 26.478μs  | 5.47%  | 1.25x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration7WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,577,280b | 453.267μs   | 486.498μs   | 464.297μs   | 601.600μs   | 45.110μs  | 9.27%  | 1.26x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration6WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,574,920b | 462.667μs   | 495.360μs   | 476.258μs   | 673.133μs   | 52.797μs  | 10.66% | 1.28x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchCustomWithConfigOnly     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,607,272b | 630.733μs   | 669.178μs   | 650.222μs   | 811.800μs   | 49.216μs  | 7.35%  | 1.73x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration1WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,560,080b | 844.333μs   | 875.778μs   | 856.814μs   | 964.667μs   | 38.487μs  | 4.39%  | 2.26x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchSymfony                  |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,280,624b | 2,021.533μs | 2,150.422μs | 2,130.163μs | 2,338.733μs | 73.215μs  | 3.40%  | 5.55x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchCustomWithReflection     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,204,416b | 2,197.133μs | 2,279.236μs | 2,246.225μs | 2,482.200μs | 73.474μs  | 3.22%  | 5.88x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchSymfonyProxy             |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,205,192b | 2,258.333μs | 2,359.769μs | 2,316.943μs | 2,598.667μs | 96.251μs  | 4.08%  | 6.09x |
| DenormalizeSmallBench | benchIteration1WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,203,744b | 2,439.600μs | 2,528.831μs | 2,469.243μs | 2,783.867μs | 108.108μs | 4.28%  | 6.53x |

Normalizing very small objects

| benchmark             | subject                       | tag | groups | params | revs | its | mem_peak   | best        | mean        | mode        | worst       | stdev     | rstdev | diff  |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchIteration7WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,568,912b | 243.933μs   | 262.853μs   | 252.839μs   | 318.533μs   | 20.313μs  | 7.73%  | 1.00x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchIteration7WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,568,912b | 242.733μs   | 265.267μs   | 250.417μs   | 351.800μs   | 32.839μs  | 12.38% | 1.01x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchIteration1WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,536,336b | 428.267μs   | 455.916μs   | 447.352μs   | 583.067μs   | 34.837μs  | 7.64%  | 1.73x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchCustomWithConfigOnly     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,596,480b | 456.867μs   | 484.596μs   | 478.795μs   | 520.533μs   | 17.331μs  | 3.58%  | 1.84x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchSymfony                  |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,760,336b | 590.133μs   | 618.489μs   | 605.904μs   | 754.600μs   | 39.306μs  | 6.36%  | 2.35x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchIteration1WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,194,544b | 1,897.867μs | 2,016.329μs | 2,001.948μs | 2,238.800μs | 90.053μs  | 4.47%  | 7.67x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchCustomWithReflection     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,195,216b | 1,950.800μs | 2,132.684μs | 2,044.819μs | 2,713.400μs | 201.825μs | 9.46%  | 8.11x |
| TheOtherWaySmallBench | benchSymfonyProxy             |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,195,992b | 2,017.800μs | 2,137.627μs | 2,073.905μs | 2,339.933μs | 106.468μs | 4.98%  | 8.13x |

Denormalizing large objects with multiple inheritance levels

| benchmark               | subject                       | tag | groups | params | revs | its | mem_peak   | best         | mean         | mode         | worst        | stdev     | rstdev | diff   |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration5WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,624,362b | 879.667μs    | 978.409μs    | 982.655μs    | 1,080.533μs  | 46.233μs  | 4.73%  | 1.00x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration4WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,624,494b | 930.667μs    | 984.116μs    | 968.178μs    | 1,081.600μs  | 43.452μs  | 4.42%  | 1.01x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration5WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,624,364b | 936.733μs    | 994.724μs    | 970.229μs    | 1,192.200μs  | 66.027μs  | 6.64%  | 1.02x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration2WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,634,997b | 1,059.467μs  | 1,132.644μs  | 1,091.771μs  | 1,285.600μs  | 68.522μs  | 6.05%  | 1.16x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration6WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,624,410b | 1,056.667μs  | 1,166.040μs  | 1,175.607μs  | 1,254.000μs  | 49.585μs  | 4.25%  | 1.19x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration2WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,635,710b | 1,054.267μs  | 1,166.929μs  | 1,118.013μs  | 1,328.000μs  | 82.964μs  | 7.11%  | 1.19x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration6WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,624,742b | 1,082.267μs  | 1,185.524μs  | 1,175.837μs  | 1,285.733μs  | 57.043μs  | 4.81%  | 1.21x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration7WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,658,483b | 1,153.600μs  | 1,248.080μs  | 1,196.183μs  | 1,473.600μs  | 98.204μs  | 7.87%  | 1.28x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration7WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,658,508b | 1,180.800μs  | 1,335.640μs  | 1,385.584μs  | 1,451.200μs  | 85.723μs  | 6.42%  | 1.37x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchCustomWithConfigOnly     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,670,859b | 1,872.667μs  | 2,073.307μs  | 2,103.217μs  | 2,253.933μs  | 102.006μs | 4.92%  | 2.12x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchIteration1WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,594,358b | 3,005.600μs  | 3,186.889μs  | 3,195.733μs  | 3,338.333μs  | 98.687μs  | 3.10%  | 3.26x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchSymfony                  |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,427,237b | 4,465.267μs  | 4,717.373μs  | 4,629.497μs  | 5,126.067μs  | 197.297μs | 4.18%  | 4.82x  |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchCustomWithReflection     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,354,583b | 9,834.333μs  | 10,476.747μs | 10,231.877μs | 11,664.467μs | 515.844μs | 4.92%  | 10.71x |
| DenormalizeArticleBench | benchSymfonyProxy             |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,355,357b | 10,641.133μs | 11,187.507μs | 11,388.919μs | 12,010.733μs | 408.076μs | 3.65%  | 11.43x |

Normalizing large objects with multiple inheritance levels

| benchmark               | subject                       | tag | groups | params | revs | its | mem_peak   | best         | mean         | mode         | worst        | stdev     | rstdev | diff   |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchIteration7WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,668,389b | 527.467μs    | 560.587μs    | 554.696μs    | 650.600μs    | 27.561μs  | 4.92%  | 1.00x  |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchIteration7WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,668,254b | 533.400μs    | 572.747μs    | 556.026μs    | 656.400μs    | 35.610μs  | 6.22%  | 1.02x  |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchCustomWithConfigOnly     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,645,334b | 1,610.400μs  | 1,753.920μs  | 1,691.582μs  | 1,947.667μs  | 100.245μs | 5.72%  | 3.13x  |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchIteration1WithConfigOnly |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,605,880b | 1,555.600μs  | 1,886.280μs  | 1,893.617μs  | 2,120.067μs  | 138.489μs | 7.34%  | 3.36x  |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchSymfony                  |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 6,839,113b | 2,260.733μs  | 2,359.436μs  | 2,341.765μs  | 2,554.400μs  | 73.247μs  | 3.10%  | 4.21x  |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchCustomWithReflection     |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,341,492b | 9,413.467μs  | 10,012.391μs | 9,741.095μs  | 10,653.600μs | 418.889μs | 4.18%  | 17.86x |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchSymfonyProxy             |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,342,292b | 9,802.400μs  | 10,366.564μs | 10,251.729μs | 11,353.800μs | 409.447μs | 3.95%  | 18.49x |
| TheOtherWayArticleBench | benchIteration1WithReflection |     |        | []     | 15   | 15  | 7,341,487b | 10,761.800μs | 11,271.644μs | 11,097.759μs | 12,336.800μs | 399.588μs | 3.55%  | 20.11x |