
Little Sql like Database for ESP32 boards

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Little Sql like Database for ESP32 boards

A little Sql like database, which runs on esp32. This library works with esp32 file system with help of LittleFS which is a great library to manage fs in embed boards and esp.


Execute a query by calling execQuery function with one of these queries as input. execQuery will return a number which indicates the result of operation (refer to Responses).

  • CREATE_DB create db [DB_NAME]

    Creates a database with this name, Databases are directories inside root file system.

  • DROP_DB drop db [DB_NAME] (Caution)

    Drop a database (Delete it's directory).

  • CONNECT_DB use db [DB_NAME]

    Connect to a DB,Must be called before all bellow queries

  • CREATE_TBL create table [TABLE_NAME] ([SCHEMA])

    Create a table with this schema. Schema must have only valid column types. Tables are files inside DB directory.

  • DROP_TBL drop table [TABLE_NAME] (Caution)

    Drop a table (Delete it's file).

  • ALTER_TBL alter table [TABLE_NAME] (Not yet implemented)

    Not yet implemented.


    Selects one row and write result into memory. A global variable with name selectedRows and type SelectedRows_t will be created and declared with corresponding row(s).
    OPERATIONS are =, >=, <=, <, > and <>(not equal).
    Although it is possible to select base on any COLUMN_NAME, selecting by id is more optimal both on memory and time.


    Update one row and set a new value for one column. It tries to cast value into corresponding column's type. Because of write limit on esp memories, this query perform one delete and one insert underneath. For now it is not possible to update base on other fields than id

  • DELETE delete from [TABLE_NAME] where id=[CONDITION]

    Delete one row. Because of write limit on esp memories this query just set one bit, which then will be use to detect if this row is deleted. For now it is not possible to delete base on other fields than id

  • INSERT insert into [TABLE_NAME] values ([VALUE_1], [VALUE_2], [VALUE_3], ...)

    Insert one row into table. A global variable with name insertData and type InsertData_t will be created. it will be declared with corresponding row. This query tries to cast values into corresponding column's types. values must be in the same order as schema.

  • FORMAT_FS drop all dbs and format fs (Caution)

    Delete everything and format fs.

  • COMPACT compact table [TABLE_NAME]

    As mentioned, delete query just mark deleted rows as deleted. This query copy all table rows except deleted rows into another table with the same name. This operation makes a lot of write into fs and it is better to be avoid.

Read Result set

  • getText(selectDate: SelectData_t, columnName: String | char*): String

    Get a text base on column name from one selectedData and returns it.

  • getInt32(selectDate: SelectData_t, columnName: String | char*): int32_t

    Get a 32 bit int base on column name from one selectedData and returns it.


Response Number Response Code Description
0 RES_OK Everything works fine. (e.g: if you are selecting selectedRows is now initialized with selected row.)
-1 RES_SYSTEM_ERR There is an error that isn't user fault. (e.g: failed to allocate memory to variable)
-2 RES_USER_ERR There is an error that is user's fault. (e.g: wrong syntax)
-3 RES_NOT_IMPLEMENTED This function does not still work.
-4 RES_EMPTY There is no result for this operation. (e.g: delete or select criteria does not match any row)

Schema types

Name Type Length Example Limitation
id String 16 byte "407bc45f-e10a-4175-ad4f-940df30ee87c" String between 1 to 16 characters
int Number 4 byte 158 Integer between -2,147,483,647 and 2,147,483,647
tinyint Number 1 byte 1 Integer between -128 and 128
text String variable "Hello World with any length you wish" String between 0 to 65,536 characters

Global Variables


A global variable of type: SelectedRows_t. Will be overwrite with next select and update.

uint32_t rowsLen;
SelectData_t* rows[];


A global variable of type: SelectData_t. Usually you don't need this as you can find all selected rows in selectedRows->rows. Every row in selectedRows->rows is of this type. So for example you can find the length of 3th selected row with selectedRows->rows[3]->len. Will be overwrite with next select and update.

uint16_t len;
char tblName[29];
byte bytes[];


A global variable of type: InsertData_t. Will be overwrite with next insert and update.

uint16_t usedLen;
uint16_t len;
byte bytes[];

Notices and Considerations

  • Table names length can't be more than 29 character.
  • Database names length can't be more than 31 character.
  • Rows length can't be more than 65,536 bytes (64 KB or 65,536 characters in total).
  • There shouldn't be any special character (, or parentheses) in field values.
  • There is only one selectedRows and one insertData, so they will overwrite in next operation. Refer to selectedRows and insertData for more information.

Examples and tests

Refer to test folder.


All benchmarks are for WEMOS lolin 32 board. They are the average of 5 tests.

  • insert 100 rows: 6824.4ms
  • select 1000 from 100 rows with id equal: 70216ms
  • select 1000 from 100 rows with id other operators: 95361.2ms
  • select 1000 from 100 rows with another text field: 215434.3ms

Run Tests

In Arduino IDE

  • Clone project from this repo.
  • Extract it.
  • Move files from lib, test and src directories into one arduino project.
  • Rename main.cpp into YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.ino (in Arduino IDE, .ino file and project must have the same name).
  • In Arduino IDE Open File > Preferences Add http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json, https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json Into Additional Board Manager URLs.
  • Open Tools > Board > Board Manager... Search for esp32 and install the esp32 package by Espressif Systems.
  • Open Tools > Manage libraries Search for littlefs and change Topic to data Storage and install littleFS_esp32
  • Change board to your own board.
  • You probably need to change #include <LittleDB.h> into #include "LittleDB.h".
  • Upload test file into your board to run tests or use LittleDB library in your own sketch.

In Platform.IO (VSCode)

  • Clone project from this repo.
  • Extract it.
  • Open containing folder with VSCode with Platform.IO installed.
  • Add esp32 library from Platform.IO library manager. (Wemos lolin32).
  • Clone LITTLEFS project from git and put it inside PROJECT_DIR/.pio/libdeps/lolin32/- LittleFS_esp32. (I couldn't run project after adding LITTLEFS from Platform..IO library manager)
  • Connect your esp board.
  • If you are using Linux, you probably need to change /dev/ttyUSB0 access (if your board is connected to this port): sudo chown YOUR_USERNAME /dev/ttyUSB0.
  • For running tests now press f1 and run PlatformIO: Test.


To use this library in your own project you need to add /lib/LittleDB directory to your project. Usually this can be done by:

  • Copy /lib/LittleDB where your IDE (Arduino IDE, VSCode, etc) can see.
  • include it into your code #include <LittleDB.h>or #include "LittleDB.h" (Depends on where you put the library).
  • CanexecQuery function with your desired input query in your sketch.


  • LittleFS

To do

  • Increase row length by adding another 2 bytes into length.
  • Change id type from text(16) into uint32.
  • Add index to id field.
  • Abillity to use and and or in queris.