
Nested CSV

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Nested CSV parser. Flattens JSON into a CSV, and restores the JSON from the CSV.

What is it?

It turns this:

person.name person.email person.age person.birth drinks.likes.0 drinks.dislikes.0
pouya test@example.com 28.6 coffee
nathalie 1991-06-03 chocolate milk coffee

into this:

    "person": {
      "age": 28.6,
      "name": "pouya",
      "email": "test@example.com"
    "drinks": {
      "likes": [
    "person": {
      "name": "nathalie",
      "birth": "1991-06-03T00:00:00.000Z"
    "drinks": {
      "likes": [
        "chocolate milk"
      "dislikes": [

and vice versa.


ncsv is hosted on npm:

npm i -g ncsv

or in case you want to use just in one project:

npm i -S ncsv


Once installed, ncsv command will be available to you.

  USAGE: ncsv -i input -o output -m mode --pretty
    mode can be json2csv or csv2json
    mode is optional, defaults to csv2json
    --pretty outputs pretty formatted json


ncsv exports lexer, model, and parse. Model is a bean parser model. lexer is used for lexing input csv, parse uses bean parser to parse the lexing results.

To parse a csv into json, just do:

const { parse } = require('ncsv')
const json = parse(csv)

parse expects the csv string, not a path. This function returns an object.

To read a JSON and output CSV, do:

const { fromJSON } = require('ncsv')
const csv = fromJSON(json)

fromJSON expects the json string, not a path, not an object. This function returns a string.

