A simple macOS application that sits on your dock and toggles the system appearance when you click it.
Not Accepting Contributions
This app is way to simple to deserve long time maintenance. It's only a nice icon for a simple command. To make this simpler, I have archived this repository to set it in stone. But I use this daily and if something breaks I may fix it. Being archived doesn't mean that it's broken or old.
Not Open Source Per Say
The distribution binary is not an open source software in itself, since I had to sign it and didn't want others to be able to change what I had signed. However the app is only 5 lines of code so if you don't trust the binary, you can copy paste these fives lines into the Script Editor.app software and export it to an Application:
tell application "System Events"
tell appearance preferences
set dark mode to not dark mode
end tell
end tell