Simple blueprint example

This is a simple example to demonstrate the capabilities of IBM Cloud Schematics blueprints to deploy solutions using modules to link two Terraform configs. No costs are incurred by this example. Only Lite service plans are used.

Following cloud resources are deployed or referenced:

  • Resource Group
  • COS instance and bucket

The user must have IAM access permissions to read resources in the Default resource group and create Cloud Object Storage instances. Also permissions to create Schematics Workspaces and Blueprints.

Blueprint template - basic-blueprint.yaml

This blueprint demonstrates linking two Terraform configs as modules to reference the existing Default resource group and create Cloud Object Storage (COS) resources.

The blueprint consists of two Modules:

  • basic-resource-group
  • basic-cos-storage

The TF configs used in this blueprint are sourced from the repo

Blueprint file: basic-blueprint.yaml
├── basic-resource-group
|    └── source:
└── basic-cos-storage
     └── source:

Blueprint template inputs

The basic-blueprint.yaml template file accepts the following inputs:

Name Type Value Description
cos_instance_name string null Name for COS instance
cos_storage_plan string null Service plan type for COS instance

Blueprint outputs

The basic-blueprint.yaml template creates the following outputs:

Name Type Value Description
cos_id string ResourceID/CRN of COS instance

Blueprint input file basic-input.yaml

The input file defines the variable names and values for the required blueprint template inputs.

Name Type Value Description
cos_instance_name string blueprint-basic Name for COS instance
cos_storage_plan string lite Service plan type for COS instance

CLI input values

No inputs are required at create time


  1. Install the Schematics CLI plugin by follow the instructions in the documentation.
  2. Configure IAM access permissions for the Schematics blueprints service.
  3. Configure Cloud Object Storage IAM permissions to create COS instances.
  4. Set Schematics Target Region. The region can be set with the ibmcloud target -r command. The Schematics blueprint instance is determined by the IBM Cloud CLI target region.


To work with the broadest range of accounts and scenarios, the example command input here requires the minimum rights to create new resources. It assumes that the user has access to the default resource group, has been granted Schematics access permissions and COS access permissions to this group.

The following parameters are used for the blueprint config create configuration.

  • Name of the blueprint: blueprint_basic
  • Schematics management resource group: <default-resource-group-name>
  • Blueprint URL:
  • Blueprint file: basic-blueprint.yaml
  • Input file URL:
  • Input file: basic-input.yaml

The name of default resource group for the account is retrieved with the command:

ibmcloud resource groups --default

Retrieving default resource group under account 12345678901234567890123456789012 as
Name      ID                                 Default Group   State
Default   aac37f57b20142dba1a435c70aeb12df   true            ACTIVE
$ ibmcloud target -r <region>

$ ibmcloud resource groups --default

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint config create -name blueprint_Basic -resource-group <default-resource-group-name> -bp-git-url -bp-git-file basic-blueprint.yaml -input-git-url -input-git-file basic-input.yaml 

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint run apply -id blueprint_id

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint job list -id blueprint_id

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint get -id blueprint_id -profile outputs

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint run destroy -id blueprint_id

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint config delete -id blueprint_id

Refer to the Schematics FAQ documentation for diagnosing and resolving the typical configuration errors with this example and their resolution.

Next Steps

Looking for more samples? Check out the IBM Cloud Schematics GitHub repository.