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Historical analysis of Cloud Observability data

This is a companion repository for the blog post

Jupyter notebook

Run the jupyter notebook on your desktop:

# prerequisite: run in a python virtual environment I use: python -m venv venv; source venv/bin/activate
pip install jupyterlab

Creating the resources

See CLI Getting Started.

Login to IBM Cloud via the command line:

ibmcloud login

Initialize the default resource group used by the command line by listing the resource groups and setting the default.

ibmcloud resource groups
ibmcloud target -g <your-default-resource-group>

Create an instance of Object Storage. If you already have Object Storage instance with a lite plan, use standard instead of lite.

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create logging-archive cloud-object-storage lite global

Create an instance of Data Engine. Replace us-south by your region, if needed. If you already have Data Engine instance with a lite plan, use standard instead of lite.

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create logging-archive sql-query lite us-south

Create an instance of [Watson Studio[(https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/watson-studio).

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create loggin-history data-science-experience free-v1 us-south

Create a service ID and API key for the logging dashboard to write archives to the COS bucket:

(log-archive) log-archive $ ic iam service-id-create logging-archive
Creating service ID logging-history bound to current account as pquiring@us.ibm.com...
Service ID logging-history is created successfully

ID            ServiceId-d0064f26-9aa1-4c11-aace-4971ede16e1b
Name          logging-history
CRN           crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-identity::a/713c783d9a507a53135fe6793c37cc74::serviceid:ServiceId-d0064f26-9aa1-4c11-aace-4971ede16e1b
Version       1-806f4a18966164d30d93f15b287fea80
Locked        false

ibmcloud iam service-api-key-create logging-history logging-history

Take note of the API Key this will be required in a later step



SELECT * FROM cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/ LIMIT 50

SELECT * FROM FLATTEN(cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/  STORED AS JSON) LIMIT 1

SELECT * FROM cos://us-east/deleteme0123/example.json STORED AS JSON LIMIT 50
SELECT * FROM cos://us-east/deleteme0123/example2.json.gz STORED AS JSON LIMIT 50

SELECT * FROM cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/  STORED AS JSON LIMIT 1

SELECT * FROM cos://us-east/deleteme0123/data00.json STORED AS JSON LIMIT 50 INTO cos://us-south/sql-3d9a7cc0-f590-4293-9849-1960d537e1a9/result/ STORED AS JSON

SELECT * FROM FLATTEN(cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/  STORED AS JSON) LIMIT 1 INTO cos://us-south/sql-3d9a7cc0-f590-4293-9849-1960d537e1a9/result/ STORED AS JSON

SELECT * FROM cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/year=2022/month=07/day=06/399484262a.2022-07-06.2000.json.gz  STORED AS JSON LIMIT 1 INTO cos://us-south/sql-3d9a7cc0-f590-4293-9849-1960d537e1a9/result/ STORED AS JSON

SELECT * FROM FLATTEN(cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/year=2022/month=07/day=06/399484262a.2022-07-06.2000.json.gz  STORED AS JSON )
INTO cos://us-south/sql-3d9a7cc0-f590-4293-9849-1960d537e1a9/result/ STORED AS JSON

WHERE NOT(_source_outcome RLIKE 'success')

SELECT * FROM FLATTEN(cos://us-south/activitytrackerarchiving000/ STORED AS JSON)
WHERE NOT(_source__app RLIKE 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:.*')
INTO cos://us-south/sql-3d9a7cc0-f590-4293-9849-1960d537e1a9/result/ STORED AS JSON


!pip install pyarrow 
!pip install sqlparse
!pip uninstall --yes autoai-libs tensorflow-text numba numpy
!pip install numpy==1.22.4
!pip install --upgrade ibmcloudsql

import ibmcloudsql
import sqlparse 
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter, Terminal256Formatter
lexer = get_lexer_by_name("sql", stripall=True)
formatter = Terminal256Formatter


sqlClient = ibmcloudsql.SQLQuery(apikey, instancecrn, client_info='notebook', target_cos_url=dataengineurl, max_concurrent_jobs=4, max_tries=3 )
#sqlClient.configure()  # use this if you want to change the API key or Data Engine CRN later
print('\nYour Data Engine web console link:\n')

def sql_format(sql):
    formatted_sql = sqlparse.format(sql, reindent=True, indent_tabs=True, keyword_case='upper')
    return highlight(formatted_sql, lexer, formatter)

def sql_format_print(sql):
    print('\nYour SQL statement is:\n')

def sql_into(sql, intourl):
    if " INTO " not in sql:
        return sql + f' INTO {intourl}myQueryResult STORED AS JSON'
    return sql

def sql_r(sql):
    global dataengineurl
    sql=sql_into(sql, dataengineurl)
    result_df = sqlClient.run_sql(sql)
    return result_df

sql_r(f"SELECT * FROM FLATTEN({logsurl}  STORED AS JSON) LIMIT 100").head(10)

result_df = sql_r(f"SELECT year, month, _source__line   FROM FLATTEN({logsurl} STORED AS JSON) WHERE _source_outcome NOT REGEXP 'success' LIMIT 100")

sqlClient.get_schema_data(logbucket, dry_run=True)

pip install pyarrow 
pip install sqlparse
pip uninstall --yes autoai-libs tensorflow-text numba numpy
pip install numpy==1.22.4
pip install --upgrade ibmcloudsql