CJSON is a Limbo module for OS Inferno, which works as JSON tokenizer, allowing you to load data from JSON into your custom adt and generate JSON using data from your adt. It's implemented as Inferno driver in C, so you'll need to rebuild Inferno to install it.
Tested only on Linux.
Add overlay "powerman" (using layman tool) and install
(with USE flag "cjson" enabled).
git clone https://github.com/powerman/inferno-cjson.git tmp/inferno-cjson
cp -a tmp/inferno-cjson/* ./
rm -rf tmp/inferno-cjson
Then compile/install Inferno as usually.
Struct: adt{
str: string;
r: real;
opt: int;
arr: list of int;
F_STR, F_REAL, F_OPT, F_ARR: con iota;
keys := cjson->makekeys(array[] of {
F_STR => "str",
F_REAL => "real",
F_OPT => "opt",
F_ARR => "arr",
struct := ref Struct;
### Parsing
t := JSON2Token.new(array of byte "{\"real\": -2.3e2, \"arr\":[10,20]}");
OBJ: for(;;) case t.getkey(keys) {
END_OBJ => break OBJ;
UNK_KEY => t.skip();
F_STR => struct.str = t.gets();
F_REAL => struct.r = t.getr();
F_OPT => if(!t.getnull())
struct.opt = t.getn();
F_ARR => t.arr();
struct.arr = t.getn() :: struct.arr;
### Generating
json := Token2JSON.new(128)
.key(keys, F_STR) .str(struct.str)
.key(keys, F_REAL) .realnum(struct.r)
.key(keys, F_OPT) .num(struct.opt)
.key(keys, F_ARR) .arr();
for(l := struct.arr; l != nil; l = tl l)
json .num(hd l);
json .close()
text := string json.encode();