
Trivia App continuation project

Primary LanguageJava


CS496 Mobile Software Development

(How to use GitHub with Android Studio)[https://www.londonappdeveloper.com/how-to-use-git-hub-with-android-studio/]

(Java debugging and language support in Visual Studio for Android - November 6, 2015 by Marian Luparu [MSFT])[https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/11/06/java-debugging-and-language-support-in-visual-studio-for-android/]

(Open Trivia Database)[https://opentdb.com/]


  • Steven got it so we can get and parse json results from the otdb. -- The results are just logged, nothing is done with them.


  • Creation of screens

-- Main Activity

-- Game Setup Activity

-- Game Activity

-- Main Menu / Settings Activity (?)

  • Linking Activities (intents)

  • Persistence of data

-- Saving data to the device or cloud and restoring between sessions.