
Lightweight, fast, mini, single header YAML C++ parser.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Direct YAML

Direct YAML is a lightweight, fast, single header YAML C++ parser.


load and parse rifle.yaml

string memFile;
loadFromFile("../ymls/rifle.yaml", memFile);

// ctor
//Directyaml dym(&memFile[0]);

// or load with .parse
Directyaml dym;

load simple values

%YAML 1.1
  PivotPosition: [0.0599999987, -0.100000001, 0.25]
  FieldOfView: 47
  FireAnimationSpeed: 1.10000002
  MuzzleOffset: [-0.779999971, 0, -0.0500000007]


// load like this:
auto fov = MyNode(dym.root()["GeneralSettings"]["FieldOfView"]).read<float>();
auto pivot = MyNode(dym.root()["GeneralSettings"]["PivotPosition"]).read<vec3>();

// or like this:
auto node = dym.root()["GeneralSettings"];
auto fov = MyNode(node["FieldOfView"]).read<float>();
auto pivot = MyNode(node["PivotPosition"]).read<vec3>();

load simple array

%YAML 1.1
  PivotPosition: [0.0599999987, -0.100000001, 0.25]
  FieldOfView: 47
    - Green
    - Purple
    - Dark gray
    - Blue    


const char* colors[0x20];
auto node = dym.root()["GeneralSettings"]["Colors"];

auto noc = node.children();
for (int i = 0; i < noc; ++i)  colors[i] = node[i].val();  

load struct array

%YAML 1.1
    - Delay: 0.349999994
      Force: [1, 0.5, -0.699999988]
      Distribution: 7
    - Delay: 0.600000024
      Force: [0.400000006, -0.400000006, 0]
      Distribution: 5
    - Delay: 0.899999976
      Force: [0, 0, 2]
      Distribution: 10
    - Delay: 2.5999999
      Force: [-0.800000012, 0.200000003, -1]
      Distribution: 5


struct Force { float delay; vec3 force; float distribution; };

Force forces[0x10];

node = dym.root()["CamForces"]["EmptyReloadLoop"];

int noc = node.children();
for (int i = 0; i < (noc / 3); ++i)
    auto& f = forces[i];
    MyNode(node[i * 3 + 0]).value(f.delay);
    MyNode(node[i * 3 + 1]).value(f.force);
    MyNode(node[i * 3 + 2]).value(f.distribution);

How it works

The idea is to parse the entire YAML file as hierarchical key-value pairs (heavily relies on the indentation of each line). A well formed YAML file is always important.

Input YAML

%YAML 1.1
  PivotPosition: [0.0599999987, -0.100000001, 0.25]
  FieldOfView: 47
  FireAnimationSpeed: 1.10000002
  MuzzleOffset: [-0.779999971, 0, -0.0500000007]
    - Green
    - Purple
    - Dark gray
    - Blue
    - Delay: 0.349999994
      Force: [1, 0.5, -0.699999988]
      Distribution: 7
    - Delay: 0.600000024
      Force: [0.400000006, -0.400000006, 0]
      Distribution: 5
    - Delay: 0.899999976
      Force: [0, 0, 2]
      Distribution: 10
    - Delay: 2.5999999
      Force: [-0.800000012, 0.200000003, -1]
      Distribution: 5
    - Delay: 1.70000005
      Force: [-0.800000012, 0, 0]
      Distribution: 5

Print the result as rows after parsing:

  Row  Level/Depth             key | value
   #0   lv= 0      GeneralSettings |
   #1   lv= 1        PivotPosition | [0.0599999987, -0.100000001, 0.25]
   #2   lv= 1          FieldOfView | 47
   #3   lv= 1   FireAnimationSpeed | 1.10000002
   #4   lv= 1         MuzzleOffset | [-0.779999971, 0, -0.0500000007]
   #5   lv= 1               Colors |
   #6   lv= 2                      | Green
   #7   lv= 2                      | Purple
   #8   lv= 2                      | Dark gray
   #9   lv= 2                      | Blue
  #10   lv= 0            CamForces |
  #11   lv= 1                Equip |
  #12   lv= 2                Delay | 0.349999994
  #13   lv= 2                Force | [1, 0.5, -0.699999988]
  #14   lv= 2         Distribution | 7
  #15   lv= 1      EmptyReloadLoop |
  #16   lv= 2                Delay | 0.600000024
  #17   lv= 2                Force | [0.400000006, -0.400000006, 0]
  #18   lv= 2         Distribution | 5
  #19   lv= 2                Delay | 0.899999976
  #20   lv= 2                Force | [0, 0, 2]
  #21   lv= 2         Distribution | 10
  #22   lv= 2                Delay | 2.5999999
  #23   lv= 2                Force | [-0.800000012, 0.200000003, -1]
  #24   lv= 2         Distribution | 5
  #25   lv= 2                Delay | 1.70000005
  #26   lv= 2                Force | [-0.800000012, 0, 0]
  #27   lv= 2         Distribution | 5

Print the result as key-value hierarchy:

  PivotPosition: [0.0599999987, -0.100000001, 0.25]
  FieldOfView: 47
  FireAnimationSpeed: 1.10000002
  MuzzleOffset: [-0.779999971, 0, -0.0500000007]
    Dark gray
    Delay: 0.349999994
    Force: [1, 0.5, -0.699999988]
    Distribution: 7
    Delay: 0.600000024
    Force: [0.400000006, -0.400000006, 0]
    Distribution: 5
    Delay: 0.899999976
    Force: [0, 0, 2]
    Distribution: 10
    Delay: 2.5999999
    Force: [-0.800000012, 0.200000003, -1]
    Distribution: 5
    Delay: 1.70000005
    Force: [-0.800000012, 0, 0]
    Distribution: 5


  • MIT licensed
  • No dependencies
    • std::vector and std::string are used.
    • std::string is only used as a container for managed parser.
  • Fast
    • The source yaml is split and scanned (line-by-line) only once.
    • Even faster for well formed yaml (so checkIndents() will do nothing).
    • Even faster if no line-end-comments (undefine __DYML_ALLOW_LINE_END_COMMENT__ to achieve this if guaranteed source yaml contains no line-end-comments)
  • Low memory usage
    • unmanaged: two std::vectors (one holds key-value (two pointers) + level(int) for each valid line, another holds top-levels (int))
    • managed: unmanaged + cached source yaml string
  • Easy to use.
  • Single header file library, tested on Android, iOS and Windows.
  • Small codebase (< 450 loc)
  • Destructive, your source yaml will be modified! (unmanaged parser, managed parser will modify its cached yaml internally)


  1. Download latest dyml.h
  2. Include dyml.h in your project
    • Define __DYML_IMPLEMENTATION__ before you include this file in a cpp file to create the implementation.
    #include "dyml.h"
  3. Compile with C++11 (or later) support (auto, std::vector.emplace_back)


Direct YAML is a line-by-line parser, so

  • YAML version is not important
  • & and * (YAML reference) are not supported
  • Don't split scalar into multiple lines like this, they won't crash but the parsing result may be not what you want:
# don't do this
  --- |
  // || ||__

# and this
  Sammy Sosa completed another
  fine season with great stats.
  63 Home Runs
  0.288 Batting Average
  What a year!

# and this
  This unquoted scalar
  spans many lines.
quoted: "So does this
  quoted scalar.\n"

Example Reader

The core of Diret YAML is the parser, once the parsing is done, what to do with the parsing result is totally up to you. Here is an example class to show you how to load values from the parsing result:

// example 1
class MyNode
  MyNode(Directyaml::Node node) : _node(node) {}
  ~MyNode() {}

public :  
  template <typename T>
  void value(T& v) const {}

  // impl.
  template <> void value(const char*& v) const { v = _node.val(); }
  template <> void value(int& v) const  { v = strtol(_node.val(), nullptr, 10);  }
  template <> void value(float& v) const { v = strtof(_node.val(), nullptr); }
  template <> void value(vec3& v) const { sscanf(_node.val(), "[%f,%f,%f]", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z); }

  Directyaml::Node _node;

Another exmaple:

// example 2
class MyNode
  MyNode(Directyaml::Node node) : _node(node) {}
  ~MyNode() {}

  template <typename T>
  T read() const {}

  template <>
  float read() const  { return strtof(_node.val(), nullptr); }

  template <>
  vec3 read() const
    vec3 v;
    sscanf(_node.val(), "[%f,%f,%f]", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z);
    return v;

  Directyaml::Node _node;


Distributed under the MIT license.