
This is a simple directive for Ionic 1 that allows you to add an input text element that enables user to select a place from Google Places with its details in a convenient Ionic Modal

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GitHub version Bower version

This is a simple directive for Ionic 1 that allows you to add an input text element that enables user to select a place from Google Places with its details in a convenient Ionic Modal

Changes in this fork

This is mainly about adding ways to configure the search window.

Add attribute directives:

  • closeButtonIconClass: the icon to use for the close button
  • placeHolderText: self explainatory
  • containerClassName: prefix all the css classes you want to change by the name set in this attribute. Use !important if needed.
    • Example: to change the bar-header height, set containerClassName to address-input (for instance) and use the css rule:
   .address-input.bar-header { height: 80px!important; }
  • errorMessageText: the message to display in case of error. The default message is 'There was an error'.


  • Replace button text by an icon


  • Add a delay before setting the focus to the input to let the time to the modal to fully display. It avoids to see the cusror moving while the modal is displaying.

To install run

 bower install https://github.com/powowbox/ion-google-autocomplete.git --save


See the codepen here: http://codepen.io/sebrojas14/pen/QERQyj


You can use bower: bower i ion-google-autocomplete


  1. Include the library and Google Places in your index.html (remember to replace your_api_key by your Google API Key:
    <script src="lib/ion-google-autocomplete/dist/ion-google-autocomplete.js"></script>
    <script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=your_api_key&libraries=places"></script>
2. Add the `ion-google-autocomplete` module to your app module dependencies
3. In your controller initialize data and options
    $scope.data = {};
    $scope.countryCode = 'US';
    $scope.onAddressSelection = function (location) {
        //Do something
        var a = location.address_components;
4. Add the google-autocomplete-suggestion attribute to your text input field
    <input type="text" placeholder="Change address" google-autocomplete-suggestion location="data.location" country-code="{{countryCode}}" on-selection="onAddressSelection(location)" ng-model="data.location.formatted_address" readonly required>

## Configurable options

### The `location`
A object property where place details returned by Google are stored. For example, you can use `$scope.data.location.geometry.location.lat()` to get latitude of the selected place

### The `country-code`
Use as componentRestrictions, see https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/autocomplete
"components — A grouping of places to which you would like to restrict your results. Currently, you can use components to filter by country. The country must be passed as a two character, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compatible country code. For example: components=country:fr would restrict your results to places within France."

### The `on-selection`
This option receives a function called when a place is selected using the modal. Receives a paramter location with the places details returned by Google.
$scope.onAddressSelection = function (location) {

    //Do something
    var a = location.address_components;

Release Notes


  • Now is using Ionic Modal service and can be used inside another Ionic Modal