
Powsybl WS Commons

Primary LanguageJava

PowSyBl Web services commons

MPL-2.0 License Join the community on Spectrum Slack



Spring-Boot auto-configure module

A module using Spring-Boot @AutoConfigure mechanism is provided by this library to configure spring-boot modules.
This spring-boot module is configurable by the properties domain powsybl-ws.autoconfigure.*.

Skip whole module initialization

To skip all of the module initialization and configuration, you can exclude it: @SpringBootApplication(exclude={PowsyblWsCommonAutoConfiguration.class}), alias for @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude={PowsyblWsCommonAutoConfiguration.class}), or use the spring.autoconfigure.exclude property.

Tomcat configuration

The following properties are available under powsybl.autoconfigure.tomcat-customize.*:

Property type default Description
enable boolean true Enable Tomcat Connector customization
encoded-solidus-handling boolean true Set Tomcat Connector encodedSolidusHandling attribute to PASS_THROUGH value