
Detect and decode the CCT (Circular Coded Target).

Primary LanguagePython


Detect and decode the CCT (Circular Coded Target).


<1> python 3.7 (I don't know whether other python version would work correctly, you can have a try.)
<2> opencv-python
<3> pillow
<4> numpy
<5> matplotlib
<6> progress
<7> ... (maybe others, you can follow the error infomation to 'pip install xxx' them.)

The main function is listed as following:

  1. Draw CCT images: DrawCCT.py
    <1> cd root_path 
    <2> python DrawCCT.py --bit_n=9 --size=400 --color=black      

Image text

  1. Detect and decode CCT: CCTDecodeRelease.py
    which can decode CCT from the signal image, or you can use it to decode the CCT images in the same folder.
    <1> cd root_path    
    <2> python CCTDecodeRelease.py --filename=cct12_6.png 
                                   --threshold=0.7   // for single image   
                                   --color=black     // select the color of CCT mark (white over black / black over white)                                     
        python CCTDecodeRelease.py --batch=True 
                                   --threshold=0.93  // for images in same folder

Image text

Actually, there are some args are default value which can be ignored if you follow my data construction. The whole args are listed as follows:

   batch=False,                // batch processing 
   bit_n=12,                   // the bit number of CCT image 
   filename=None,              // image name 
   save_folder='./result/',    // the folder for saving the processed images 
   src_folder='./data/',       // the folder which contains the source images 
   threshold=0.8               // the threshold for CCT detecion, which is between 0 and 1. 
   color=white                 // the color of CCT mark (white over black / black over white)

So, you can change these args as you whish. But remember to write it correctly and don't foget the '--' before each arg.

  1. Decode CCT from video: DecodeCCTFromVideo.py
    <1> cd root_path 
    <2> python DetectCCTFromVideo.py --bit_n=12 --threshold=0.7 --color=white

Image text