
Simple golang socket

Primary LanguageGo

Simple golang socket


  • Accepts up to 10 clients and handles each of them with other goroutine
  • Stores every client information (including closed clients) with map
    • client address
    • connection time
    • online or offline
  • Receive message sent from every client
    • If the message contains "list":
      Send client history to the client
       ======== Client history ========  
       Client: [address] | Connection time: [time] | [online|offline][ <- you|]   
       ======== Online Client: [number] ========  
    • Otherwise:
      Sent "Received: " + [received message] to the client


  • Connect to server
  • Deal with two event with select:
    • Local input:
      • if it is "exit", close the connection and return
      • otherwise, send it to the server
    • Message from the server:
      simply print out to screen

To run:

Run server first before running any client

cd go_socket_server
go run go_socket_server.go


cd go_socket_client
go run go_socket_client.go