function of the UI test:
func testExample() throws {
// UI tests must launch the application that they test.
let app = XCUIApplication()
// This is the first view controller /////
// =/////////////////////////////////=/////
// get table using accessibilityIdentifier
let tableView = app.tables["MyTable"]
// it's inly example
XCTAssert(tableView.cells.count == 3)
// get array of cells with accessibilityIdentifier
let cells = tableView.cells.containing(.cell, identifier: "myCell")
// get the text of the second element of cell's array (numeration starts from 0)
let cellLabelText = cells.staticTexts.element(boundBy: 2).label
// check that the text like the text, that we have (it's only Example - "Some")
XCTAssertEqual(cellLabelText, "Some")
// pick up on the cell of the second element of array (numeration starts from 0)
cells.staticTexts.element(boundBy: 2).tap()
// This is the second view controller /////
// =/////////////////////////////////=/////
// check that label's text like the text of label of the cell
XCTAssertEqual(app.staticTexts["myLabel"].label, cellLabelText)
// get our textField
let textField = app.otherElements.textFields["myTextField"]
// pick up on textField
// put in new value into text field
textField.typeText("Some new value")
// check the value to necessary value (for text only - "Some new value")
XCTAssertEqual(textField.value as? String ?? "", "Some new value")
// pick up the button
// This is the first view controller AGAIN /////
// =/////////////////////////////////=/////
// check that we have the table with our identifier accessibilityIdentifier
let tableViewNew = app.tables.containing(.table, identifier: "MyTable")
// and cell too
let cellNew = tableViewNew.cells.containing(.cell, identifier: "myCell")
// get the updated text of the cell, that were changed
let updatedText = cellNew.staticTexts.element(boundBy: 2).label
// check text updating
XCTAssertEqual(updatedText, "Some new value")
// Use recording to get started writing UI tests.
// Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.