
A theme for static site generator Hexo.

Primary LanguageEJS

Minimalistic Hexo theme helix.

Very basic in design. A good starter template to build your own theme.

Demo: lisakov.com/en/.


I use this repo for my personal site and change it according to my needs. Backup when updating from repo.

This theme isn't suitable for beginners. You should be able to at least edit javascript code in theme/layout/*.ejs files.

No setup is available in theme/_config.yml. Instead, edit theme/layout/*.ejs files. It is a less convenient, but more flexible workflow.

The theme isn't published to Hexo themes as it doesn't follow theme unit test guidelines.


  • Two languages (Russian — main; English — secondary)
  • .less style file
  • Responsive

Install and setup

Install hexo and dependencies

If haven't already, install Hexo, node.js and git; then initialize Hexo:

hexo init <folder>
cd <folder>
npm install

Get theme

Clone this theme to site/themes/helix/:

cd themes/
git clone https://github.com/pozitron57/helix.git

Style file is in the .less format. To have Hexo convert it to .css you need to install hexo-renderer-less (from Hexo root directory).

npm install hexo-renderer-less --save

Create pages


translated: true
comments: false

...Your text in main language...


translated: true
comments: false

...Your text in secondary language...


translated: true
comments: false
layout: page

...Your text about the site in main language...


translated: true
comments: false
layout: page

...Your text about the site in secondary language...


layout: blog
title: Журнал
lang: ru
translated: true

<don't write anything here, this page is generated by


layout: blog
title: Журнал
lang: ru
translated: true

<don't write anything here, this page is generated by

Index page

To have the custom home page generated from source/index.md:

npm uninstall hexo-generator-index 

No archives, tags, categories generators

Don't generate /archives/, /categories/, /tags/ pages as they are not used in the theme.

npm uninstall hexo-generator-archive
npm uninstall hexo-generator-category
npm uninstall hexo-generator-tag

Optional setup

Table of contents

Install hexo-toc (then you can place <!--toc--> in your *.md files to generate table of contents).

npm uninstall -g markdown-toc
npm install hexo-toc --save

Markdown renderer

Replace standard markdown renderer.

npm uninstall -g hexo-renderer-marked --save
npm install hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save


For server-side rendering of LaTeX syntax with MathJax

npm install hexo-filter-mathjax --save

Site _config.yml

theme: helix
title: Site title
author: Site author
- ru
- en

url: https://site.com
root: /
permalink: :title/
  lang: ru

# Directories
i18n_dir: :lang

# Writing
new_post_name: :lang/:year-:month-:day-:title.md
default_layout: post
titlecase: false # Transform Title Into Titlecase
  enable: true # Open external links in new tab
  field: site # Apply to the whole site
  exclude: ''
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
future: true

# Code syntax highlighting
  enable: true
  auto_detect: false
  line_number: true
  line_threshold: 0
  tab_replace: ''
  wrap: true
  hljs: false

# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized

# http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: DD MMMM YYYY
time_format: HH:mm

# Docs: https://github.com/celsomiranda/hexo-renderer-markdown-it/wiki
    html: true
    xhtmlOut: false
    breaks: false
    linkify: true
    typographer: true
    quotes: '«»‘’'
    - markdown-it-footnote
    - markdown-it-sup
    - markdown-it-sub
    - markdown-it-abbr
    level: 1
    collisionSuffix: ''
    permalink: true
    permalinkClass: header-anchor
    permalinkSymbol: ''

# hexo-toc
  maxdepth: 6
  class: toc
  slugify: transliteration
  decodeEntities: false
    position: after
    symbol: ' #'
    style: header-anchor

# hexo-filter-mathjax
  tags: ams # or 'ams' or 'all'
  single_dollars: true # enable single dollar signs as in-line math delimiters
  cjk_width: 0.9 # relative CJK char width
  normal_width: 0.6 # relative normal (monospace) width
  append_css: true # add CSS to pages rendered by MathJax
  every_page: false # if true, every page will be rendered by MathJax regardless the `mathjax` setting in Front-matter
  packages: # extra packages to load
    inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ['\(','\)'] ],

# Deployment
  type: rsync
  port: 22
  delete: true
  args: '--exclude-from=exclude-list'
  verbose: true
  ignore_errors: false

Tag plugins

In helix/scripts there are files: jg.js, comment.js, prompt.js, gif.js for tag plugins with corresponding names, e.g.

{% jg img_path=https://site.com/images/ %}
image2.jpg 'Second title'
{% endjg %}

More information on usage syntax and options with examples see in the helix/scripts/*.js files and in the post.

Front-matter options

Justified gallery

justifiedgallery: <options>
  left, center, right, justify, nojustify

If any option is given for justifiedgallery, layout/_partial/head.ejs loads css and js files for justifiedgallery. layout/_partial/after_footer.ejs initialize script as follows

<% if (page.justifiedgallery) { %>
    rowHeight : 130,
    lastRow : '<%=page.justifiedgallery %>',
    margins : 2


magnificpopup: <bool>

Loads css and js in <head></head>. Also loads jquery, don't use jquery: true if you are already using magnificpopup: true.

layout/_partial/after_footer.ejs initialize magnificpopup script as follows (see file for details).


jquery: <bool>

Loads jquery.js in <head></head>.


gif: <bool>

Loads gifonclick.js layout/_partisl/after_footer.ejs. Needs jquery to work.


mathjax: <bool>

Tells hexo-filter-mathjax that it should render this page with mathjax. hexo-filter-mathjax should be installed.

Site structure

Current root is site.com/ (second language root is site.com/en/).

Archives are at site.com/blog/ (site.com/en/blog/).

Edit scaffolds/post.md for automatic permalink creation via hexo new post in the front-matter:

title: {{ title }}
date: {{ date }}
permalink: blog/{{ title }}/

No tags or categories pages are generated.

layout overview

  • blog.ejs generates site.com/blog/ page. You need to create site/source/blog/index.md with layout: blog and no content.

  • post.ejs generates posts at site.com/blog/<postname>/ or any page with layout: post.

  • page.ejs generates any page with layout: page.

  • astrozone.ejs is for /projects/astrozone/ page. You'll probably want to remove it.

  • nfk.ejs is for /projects/nfk/ page. You'll probably want to remove it.

  • vpr.ejs is for /projects/vpr/ page. You'll probably want to remove it.

  • vpr-table.ejs is for /projects/vpr/chords/ page. You'll probably want to remove it.

_partial layouts

  • head.ejs generates <head></head> tag based on front-matter and site _config.yml options.
  • footer.ejs adds simple footer (author, date).
  • after_footer.ejs adds scripts based on page front-matter options.
  • comments.ejs adds scripts needed for isso comments. You may want to change it to your comment system or remove.
  • navbar.ejs generates horizontal menu (Home, Blog, About, etc.)
  • trans.ejs is used in navbar.ejs to add second-language button only for translated pages (set front-matter option translated: true).