
Command-line utilities for working with JSON

Primary LanguagePerl

jtools - simple command-line utilities for working with JSON.


Install Makamaka Hannyaharamitu's JSON module from CPAN:

$ cpan JSON

Copy jd and jf to somewhere in your PATH:

$ cp jd jf ~/bin

That's it.


Both jd and jf behave like standard Unix filters: they take text on standard
input (or from files specified on the command-line), operate on it, and dump
the result to standard output.

jd simply pretty-prints its output:

$ echo '{"nemeses":{"batman":"joker", "harry":"voldemort"}}' | jd
   "nemeses" : {
      "batman" : "joker",
      "harry" : "voldemort"

jf accepts a series of XPath-like field specifications, and returns only those
parts of its input, preserving as much structure as necessary. With the -p
option it will pretty-print its output.

$ curl -s -upozorvlak:<my password here> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/mentions.json | jf -p user/name user/screen_name text
      "text" : "@pozorvlak I have to admit that if you have polymorphism then things like +. are particularly pointless.",
      "user" : {
         "name" : "Christopher Yocum",
         "screen_name" : "cyocum"
      "text" : "@pozorvlak Huh, I still like the safety that static typing gives you.",
      "user" : {
         "name" : "Christopher Yocum",
         "screen_name" : "cyocum"
... etc ...

Or from a file:

jf -p user/name user/screen_name text -- one_I_prepared_earlier 
      "text" : "@pozorvlak I have to admit that if you have polymorphism then things like +. are particularly pointless.",
      "user" : {
         "name" : "Christopher Yocum",
         "screen_name" : "cyocum"
      "text" : "@pozorvlak Huh, I still like the safety that static typing gives you.",
      "user" : {
         "name" : "Christopher Yocum",
         "screen_name" : "cyocum"
... etc ...


Copyright 2010 by Miles Gould.

These programs are free software; you can redistribute and/or modify them under
the same terms as Perl itself.


Please send bug reports and/or patches to miles@assyrian.org.uk. Or better yet,
fork the project on GitHub! The URL's http://github.com/pozorvlak/jtools.


Any new versions will be announced on my blog: