
Files for the Bioschemas website.

The website is deployed using Jekyll.

Geting Started

See installation instructions for full details of installing Jekyll. Below are a quick set of commands that should hopefully get you going:

  • Install Jekyll and Dependencies: gem install jekyll bundler jekyll-redirect-from and gem install jekyll-sitemap
  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Run the website: jekyll serve

Specifications subtree update

  1. git subtree pull --prefix=_bsc_specs/ --squash subtree_specs master -m "[commit message]"
  2. git push origin master

Specifications subtree creation

  1. Reference to specifications repository using as local alias subtree_specs git remote add subtree_specs
  2. Subtree creation, the subtree is stored in the dir _bsc_specs, represented in the subtree command by the prefix value. subtree add --prefix=_bsc_specs/ subtree_specs master
  3. git push origin master