
Spreadsheet formulae to convert decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds

Primary LanguagePython

10,123° => 10° 07" 22,800'

This page contains formulas for spreadsheet programs for converting angles in decimal degrees to fractional (degrees + minutes + seconds and degrees + decimal minutes) formats.

Background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic coordinate conversion

Bugs & Caveats

  • The form_deg2dms_rounded formula causes a "Formula overflow" error in OpenOffice.org 4.1.5
  • Some inputs cause a "FLOOR requires both arguments to be positive or negative" error, probably some float rounding issue:
    • 4.1
    • 3.9
    • 12.95
  • The whole thing is hastily put together and not thoroughly tested


Simply copy and paste the formulas from below, or use one of the included files. Modify the input cells as necessary. Each formula is self-contained and only depends on (one or more of) the input fields.

Use ./compile.py -f ... -i ... -i ... to print out a single formula with custom input fields.

The decimal -> DDM / DMS formulas use three input cells ((A2), (B2) and (C2)) for the decimal degrees, number of decimals in the produced minutes and seconds, respectively. The trivial DMS -> decimal formula uses (D2), (E2) and (F2) for degrees, minutes and seconds.

Import options for CSV:

  • Separated by: comma
  • Text delimiter: "


With Unicode values in CHAR() calls (for spaces and the degree sign):

With ASCII values in CHAR() calls (for spaces and the degree sign):


The formulas and the README.md you're reading now are generated by the compile.pyscript, where the former are also found in human-readable form. It should work on Python 2.7+ without 3rd party libraries.

    ./compile.py <-t|--text> <text name> [options...]
    ./compile.py <-f|--formula> <formula name> [options...]
    ./compile.py <-h|--help>

    -t|--text <text name>:       Prints out the named text
    -f|--formula <formula name>: Prints out the named output formula

    -c|--charset <ascii|unicode>
         Choose ASCII or Unicode values for CHAR() calls (default: ascii)
    -i|--input input_name=input_value
         Override values for input parameters (spreadsheet cell names or
         static values)

Valid arguments for -t|--text:
    README.md, formulas.md, demo.csv, debug.csv

Valid arguments for -f|--formula: 

Valid arguments and default values for -i|--input: 

    Compile the "form_deg2dms_rounded_w" formula with input 
    from mytable::E4 and rounding set to 0 digits:

    ./compile.py -f form_deg2dms_rounded_w -i in_deg_dec=mytable::E4 \
        -i in_round_min=0 -i in_round_sec=0

Formulas (degrees to fractions)


For decimal degrees => fractions conversion:

  • Decimal degrees: (A2)
  • Nr. of decimals to round minutes to: (B2)
  • Nr. of decimals to round seconds to: (C2)

Rounded values

Use these if you need the DDM or DMS representation as a human-readable string in a single cell.

(string) form_deg2ddm_rounded

Returns a string representing the decimal degrees in (A2) in DDM (Degrees, Decimal Minutes) format, minutes rounded to (B2) digits. Blank inputs are interpreted as zero.

  • (-10,123°, 3, 3) => -10°7.380"

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); IF((B2) > 0; CONCATENATE((FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(46); REPT(CHAR(48); MAX(0; ((B2)-LEN(ROUND(POWER(10;(B2))*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))) - (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)));0))))); ROUND(POWER(10;(B2))*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))) - (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)));0)); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))); CHAR(39))

(string) form_deg2ddm_rounded_w

Returns a string representing the decimal degrees in (A2) in DDM (Degrees, Decimal Minutes) format, minutes rounded to (B2) digits. Blank and "-" inputs are returned as-is. Minutes and seconds are zero-padded to 2 digits.

  • (-10,123°, 3, 3) => -10°7.380"

IF(ISBLANK((A2)); (A2); IF((A2) = CHAR(45); (A2); CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); IF((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))) < 10; 0; REPT(CHAR(32); 0)); IF((B2) > 0; CONCATENATE((FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(46); REPT(CHAR(48); MAX(0; ((B2)-LEN(ROUND(POWER(10;(B2))*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))) - (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)));0))))); ROUND(POWER(10;(B2))*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))) - (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)));0)); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))); CHAR(39))))

(string) form_deg2dms_int

Returns a string representing the decimal degrees in (A2) in DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) format, seconds truncated to their integer value

  • (-10,123°, 3, 3) => -10° 7" 22'

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(39); CHAR(160); FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1); CHAR(34))

(string) form_deg2dms_rounded

Returns a string representing the decimal degrees in (A2) in DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) format, seconds rounded to (C2) digits. Blank inputs are intepreted as zero.

  • (-10,123°, 3, 3) => -10° 7" 22.800'

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(39); CHAR(160); IF((C2) > 0; CONCATENATE(FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1); CHAR(46); REPT(CHAR(48); MAX(0; ((C2)-LEN(ROUND(POWER(10;(C2))*((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)))) - FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1));0))))); ROUND(POWER(10;(C2))*((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)))) - FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1));0)); FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1)); CHAR(34))

(string) form_deg2dms_rounded_w

Returns a string representing the decimal degrees in (A2) in DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) format, seconds rounded to (C2) digits. Blank and "-" inputs are returned as-is. Minutes and seconds are zero-padded to 2 digits.

  • (-10,123°, 3, 3) => -10° 7" 22.800'

IF(ISBLANK((A2)); (A2); IF((A2) = CHAR(45); (A2); CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); IF((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))) < 10; 0; REPT(CHAR(32); 0)); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(39); CHAR(160); IF((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)))) < 10; 0; REPT(CHAR(32); 0)); IF((C2) > 0; CONCATENATE(FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1); CHAR(46); REPT(CHAR(48); MAX(0; ((C2)-LEN(ROUND(POWER(10;(C2))*((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)))) - FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1));0))))); ROUND(POWER(10;(C2))*((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)))) - FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1));0)); FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1)); CHAR(34))))

Component values

Use these if you need to populate individual cells with the numerical component values


(int) cpt_degrees_int

Returns a number representing the integer degree component of the decimal degree value in (A2)


(decimal) cpt_minutes_dec

Returns a number representing the decimal minute component of the decimal degree value in (A2)



(int) cpt_degrees_int

Returns a number representing the integer degree component of the decimal degree value in (A2)


(int) cpt_minutes_int

Returns a number representing the integer minute component of the decimal degree value in (A2)


(decimal) cpt_seconds_dec

Returns a number representing the decimal seconds component of the decimal degree value in (A2)


Unrounded / raw values

Included for completeness, not necessarily useful.

(string) form_deg2ddm_unrounded

Decimal degrees to DDM (Degrees, Decimal Minutes) with unrounded minutes

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); (60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)))); CHAR(39))

(string) form_deg2ddm_int

Decimal degrees to DDM (Degrees, Decimal Minutes) with integer minutes (NOTE: loss of precision)

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(39))

(string) form_deg2dms_unrounded

Decimal degrees to DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) with unrounded decimal seconds

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(39); CHAR(160); (60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)))); CHAR(34))

(string) form_deg2dms_int

Decimal degrees to DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) with integer seconds (NOTE: loss of precision)

CONCATENATE(IF(SIGN((A2))=-1;CHAR(45);CHAR(160)); (FLOOR(ABS((A2));1)); CHAR(176); CHAR(160); (FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1)); CHAR(39); CHAR(160); FLOOR((60*((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))))-(FLOOR((60*(ABS((A2))-(FLOOR(ABS((A2));1))));1))));1); CHAR(34))

Formulas (fractions to degrees)


  • Degrees: (D2)
  • Minutes: (E2)
  • Seconds: (F2)

(number) form_dms2deg

Returns the decimal degrees value corresponding to the input DMS components (D2), (E2), (F2)
