
Import an existing AWS EBS volume attachment into your Terraform state file

Primary LanguageGo


This tool lets you "import" an AWS EBS volume attachment into your Terraform state file.

While Terraform lets you import AWS instances and EBS volumes, it doesn't seem to support importing the synthetic "aws_volume_attachment" resource that has no identifiable counterpart in AWS, so this hack provides a workaround.


  tf-ebs-attach import [-i f] [-o f] <inst-name> <vol-name> <att-name> <dev>  
  tf-ebs-attach diff   [-i f] [-c m] <inst-name> <vol-name> <att-name> <dev>  
  tf-ebs-attach show <inst-id> <vol-name> <vol-id> <att-name> <dev>
  tf-ebs-attach -h|--help

  -i file Read existing Terraform state from "file" [default: terraform.tfstate]
  -o file Write updated Terraform state to "file" [default: terraform.tfstate]
  -c mode Use coloured output (mode = auto/no/yes) [default: auto]
  inst-name: Name of the "aws_instance"          resource in your Terraform code 
  vol-name:  Name of the "aws_ebs_volume"        resource in your Terraform code
  att-name:  Name of the "aws_volume_attachment" resource in your Terraform code
  inst-id:   EC2 Instance ID (i-abcd123)
  vol-id:    EBS Volume ID (vol-abcd123)
  dev:      Value of "device_name" from "aws_volume_attachment"

  import: Reads in a terraform state file, locates the definitions for 
          <inst-name> and <vol-name> and injects a new definition for the volume 
          attachment <vol-name>.
  diff:   Prints a diff of the changes that would be made to the input file 
  show:   Prints out the resource object that would be inserted given the 
          specified instance and volume. Doesn't use a terraform state file. 

  tf-ebs-attach import mysrv mysrv_dsk0 mysrv_dsk0_attch /dev/sdg
  tf-ebs-attach diff -i foo.state  mysrv mysrv_dsk0 mysrv_dsk0_attch /dev/sdg
  tf-ebs-attach show i-abc123 mysrv_dsk0 vol-123abc mysrv_dsk0_att /dev/sdg


35294a1b20e994b2475c44777cb6c12f tf-ebs-attach.linux-amd64
ad4d712657f3c83875fa57bacc568bab tf-ebs-attach.mac





  • Install Go (1.9+) and glide
  • Run make