
Final assignment connected with "Building R Packages" module (Mastering Software Development in R, JHU - Coursera)

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is connected with the final assignment for Building R Packages module of the Mastering Software Development in R specialization (coursera). The goal is to apply the basic concepts learnt in the module for creating, writing, documenting, and testing an R package.

The development of the package is done introducing the following software engineering practices:

  • version control using Github/ Git
  • Test Driven Development with unit tests and integration tests
  • Continuous Integration (CI) using Travis CI

What needs to be done

  • add the FARS R code provided during the course
  • refactor R code in order to remove the Non-Standard Evaluation Issue dplyr NSE vignette, NSE explained.
  • document the code, creating related help functions with roxygen2
  • document the package, using a README file and a vignette to include in your package with knitr and R Markdown
  • add some unit tests / integration tests using testthat
  • add the package on GitHub
  • set up the repository so that the package can be checked and built on Travis with no errors, warnings or notes. See Travis Build History

IMPORTANT!! The "maps" package has been added in the Depends section in the DESCRIPTION file because it sets some environment variables when its loaded & attached, which doesn't happen if maps::map() is used throwing a "stateMapEnv not found" error.

farsr package Travis Badge


The goal of fars is to help you performing basic operation on Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data, a nationwide census providing the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes. Specifically it allows you to perform the following operations:

  • load the FARS datafile by filename or by years,
  • summarize the number of fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes by month and year,
  • visualize the fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes in a specific state (USA) for a specific year.


#Using devtools and Github

Getting Started

#load and attach the package

Use the following table to have an overview of the provided functions:

fars_read() Read a FARS datafile
fars_read_years() Read FARS datafile(s) for provided year(s)
fars_summarize_years() Summarizes injuries by month for provided year(s)
fars_map_state() Visualize map with injuries for provided state (USA) and year

More info can be found in the package vignette vignette('introduction', package = 'farsr') and help of provided function e.g. ?farsr::fars_read_years.