
Datasets for my research publications

Primary LanguageStata



Datasets for my research publications

  1. Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows, Data, Paper
    Bombardini, Matilde, Giovanni Gallipoli, and Germán Pupato
    American Economic Review, 102 (5), 2327-2348, August 2012

  2. Education and Crime over the Life Cycle, Data, Paper
    Giovanni Gallipoli, and Giulio Fella
    Review of Economic Studies, 81 (4), 1484-1517, October 2014

  3. Unobservable Skill Dispersion and Comparative Advantage, Data, Paper
    Matilde Bombardini, Giovanni Gallipoli and German Pupato
    Journal of International Economics, 92 (2), 317-329, March 2014

  4. Macroeconomic Effects of Job Reallocations: A Survey, Data, Paper
    Giovanni Gallipoli, and Gianluigi Pelloni
    Review of Economic Analysis, 5 (2), 127-176, 2013

  5. Ability, Parental Valuation of Education and the High-School Drop Out Decision, Data, Paper
    Giovanni Gallipoli, Kelly Foley and David Green
    Journal of Human Resources, 49 (4), 906-944, October 2014

  6. Human Capital Spill-Overs and the Geography of Intergenerational Mobility, Data, Paper
    Giovanni Gallipoli, and Brant Abbott
    Review of Economic Dynamics, 25, 208-233, 2017

  7. The Costs of Occupational Mobility: an Aggregate Analysis, Data, Paper
    Giovanni Gallipoli, and Matias Cortes
    Journal of the European Economic Association, 16 (2), 275-315, 2018

  8. Structural Transformation and the Rise of Information technology, Data, Paper
    Giovanni Gallipoli, and Christos Makridis
    Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.97, 91-110, 2018 (Carnegie Rochester NYU Series on Public Policy)