
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ECON628 - Fall 2018

Course materials

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Getting started with Syzygy

  1. Login to https://vse.syzygy.ca/
  2. Open a Terminal in the launcher, or go to "New Launcher" and create a Terminal
  3. In the terminal, type (or use <shift-insert> to paste and <control-insert> to copy)
git clone https://github.com/ubcecon/ECON628_2018.git
  1. You can now open notebooks in the ECON628_2018/notebooks folder

See https://github.com/econtoolkit/tutorials/blob/master/syzygy.md for more details on Syzygy


See Syllabus for more details


  1. October 1st:Julia By Example
  2. October 3rd: Julia By Example and Julia Essentials
  3. October 8th: Thanksgiving holiday
  4. October 10th: Julia Essentials
  5. October 15th: Fundamental Types
  6. October 17th: Fundamental Types and reviewing solutions for PS4
  7. October 22nd: Introduction to Types
  8. October 24th: Introduction to Types and Generic Programming
  9. October 29th: GitHub and Version Control and Local Installation
  10. October 31st: Finite Markov Chains, McCall Search I, and McCall Search II
  11. November 5th: General Packages, DataFrames, Fixed Effects, Statistics, and Optimizers, Solvers, and Auto-Differentiation
  12. November 7th: Tools and Editors, Unit Testing, Continuous Integration, and Reproducibility
  13. November 12th: Statutory holiday
  14. November 14th: Webscraping and Text in R and Continuous Integration in R
  15. November 26th: Auto-Differentiation Performance and NLopt Examples