
Data and replication files for Ashworth, Hotz, Maurel and Ransom's article in Journal of Labor Economics

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Code and results for paper by Ashworth, Hotz, Maurel and Ransom published in Journal of Labor Economics.

Steps to obtain access to restricted BLS data

Our analysis heavily relies on the restricted-access version of the NLSY79 and NLSY97 surveys. To obtain access, please visit https://www.bls.gov/nls/geocodeapp.htm and fill out the application. We include in this code repository all of the source code to compile our data with the raw restricted-access data.

Steps to replicate our results:

We include publicly available data in this respository, but we also document the sources of each publicly available dataset below.

1. Download Publicly Data from Various Sources

2. Data Creation / Cleaning

  • Files to process non-NLSY data sources:
    • BEA: run Data/BEA/BEA_create.do (outputs BEAcountyFIPS.dta)
    • BLS Local Unemployment: run Data/BLS/CountyUnemp/concatenator.do (outputs county_unemp_monthly.dta)
    • BLS CPI: manually coded into Data/BLS/cpi.do
    • Census: run Data/Census/import_census.do (outputs county_population.dta)
    • IPEDS: run Data/IPEDS/ipeds_all_combine.do (outputs ipeds_final.dta)
    • Combine all sources:
      • run Data/create_county_data.do which creates county_data.dta which is a combination of all county-level information (employment rate, income per capita, number of BA-granting colleges, and tuition at state flagship university). Monetary variables are deflated in this file.
  • Files to read in and process NLSY data:
    • NLSY79:
      • run Data/y79/y79_import_all.do, then Data/y79/y79_create_master.do, then Data/y79/y79_create_trim.do, which will output y79_all.dta.zip
    • NLSY97:
      • run Data/y97/y97_import_all.do, then Data/y97/y97_create_master.do, then Data/y97/y97_create_trim.do, which will output y97_all.dta.zip
    • NLSY Geocode Data:
      • run Data/geocodeMaster.do, which outputs the files Data/y{79,97}/Geocode/y{79,97}_all2.dta.zip. The geocodeMaster.do file also contains code that merges in the county-level information contained in Data/county_data.dta.
    • Combine NLSY cohorts:
      • run Data/data_append_t0_16.do which takes as inputs Data/y{79,97}/Geocode/y{79,97}_all2.dta.zip and outputs Data/yCombinedAnalysis_t0_16.dta.zip
  • Set up Data to be readable in V++ software:
    • run Data/create_vlad_scaled_t0_16.do which takes Data/yCombinedAnalysis_t0_16.dta.zip as its input and outputs y{79,97}_vlad_scaled_t0_16.csv which are files read into the V++ software (which estimates factor analytic discrete choice models via Matlab C++ MEX files)

3. Data Analysis, Estimation, and Marginal Effects

  • Descriptive Statistics:
    • run Descriptives/activity_tabulations29.do which outputs Descriptives/T*_29.tex (which are the descriptive tables in TeX format)
    • comparison descriptive statistics for the CPS are located in Descriptives/NLSYagedCPSstats.do which outputs Descriptives/T5_29_CPS.tex (which we report in an appendix)
  • Descriptive Regressions, including various specifcations (Mincer, HLT, etc)
    • run y{79,97}_mincerv7_t0_16_no_oldest.do which outputs marginal effects from various specifications that are reported in Tables 9 and 10 of the paper
  • No-unobserved-heterogeneity estimation in Stata:
    • run Analysis/analysisMaster.do which provides the following outputs that are beneficial because they provide useful starting values for the Matlab MEX optimization for the models with random factors:
      • y{79,97}_asvab_noFvars_t0_16_coef.csv (for measurement system)
      • y{79,97}_logits_all_binned_t0_16_coef.csv (for choice equations)
      • y{79,97}_wages_anyschool_school_interaction_t0_16_coef.csv (for wage equation)
  • Estimation of specifications with random factors in V++:
    • Without unobserved heterogeneity (essentially, replicating results from Stata):
      • run V++/y{79,97}_t0_16/NoHetClusterSE/master.m which outputs results_cluster_se.csv in the same folder (which are the complete parameter estimates of the entire model)
    • With unobserved heterogeneity:
      • run V++/y{79,97}_t0_16/Het1Load??/master.m which outputs results_no_se.csv in the same folder
      • run V++/y{79,97}_t0_16/Het1Load??/ClusterSE/cluster_se.m which outputs results_cluster_se.csv in the same folder (which are the complete parameter estimates of the entire model with unobserved heterogeneity)
      • Note: we run these results in 10 separate folders, representing 10 separate sets of starting values in search of the global optimum. The global optimum for the NLSY79 was in folder 03, while for the NLSY97 it was folder 10.
  • Marginal effects
    • To obtain marginal effects from the estimation with unobserved heterogeneity, run the following:
      • run V++/y{79,97}_t0_16/Het1Load??/ClusterSE/mfxExper{29,32}.m which outputs mfxExper{29,32}.csv in the same folder. These results are reported in Tables 9 and 10 in the paper.