
An awesome web-based system for managing events and selling tickets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Created for the project of systems analysis and design course



admin layout --> Mozhdeh Gheini make admin app --> Pardis Pashakhanloo [DONE]

Manage users مدیریت کاربران

  • delete users (both types) --> Mozhdeh Gheini
  • grant special permissions to some users --> Mozhdeh Gheini
  • search in users (both types) --> Mozhdeh Gheini

Manage Events مدیریت رویدادها

  • add events --> Pardis Pashakhanloo [DONE, BUT I DO NOT KNOW ABOUT TICKETS YET :(( ]
  • delete events --> Pardis Pashakhanloo [DONE]
  • edit events --> Mozhdeh Gheini

Manage Categories مدیریت دسته‌ها و زیردسته‌ها

  • add category and subcategory --> Pardis Pashakhanloo [DONE]
  • delete category and subcategory --> Pardis Pashakhanloo [DONE]
  • edit category and subcategory --> Mozhdeh Gheini

Reports گزارش‌ها

  • search in orders (particular time interval) --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • generate a table: all events (each: title, num_sold, total_money_earned) --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • show all orders --> Pardis Pashakhanloo

Phase One

Templates are designed by:

  • HomePage --> Mozhdeh Gheini
  • Login --> Mozhdeh Gheini
  • Register --> Mozhdeh Gheini
  • BuyHistory --> Mozhdeh Gheini
  • EventDetails --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • BuyTicket --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • Payment --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • ViewEvents --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • AddNewEvent --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • PrintTicket --> Pardis Pashakhanloo
  • EditAccountCustomer --> none
  • EditAccountEventPlanner --> none

Django Models are designed by Mozhdeh Gheini & Pardis Pashakhanloo