
This project is a fork of JBoss Seam 2 for the purpuses of supporting JSF2 and only JSF2.

JBoss Seam 2.3 supports JSF2, but also requires FULL JEE6 support.

The Taylor project has a large investment in Seam 2 and can not migrate to FULL JEE6 support at present.

Thus, we are forking the project for the time being, until such time that we can merge back into the Seam trunk.

We will make every effort to submit any patches that we create here back to the Seam project.

We will also make every effort to stay up to date with all appropriate changes on the Seam trunk.

This project only forks the minimum amount of code necessary to support the Taylor project.


Maven Repo: http://taylor.sourceforge.net/maven2/