Parth Patel
CIS 3207 - Section 2
Project 4 - Simple File System


The goal of the project is to implement a simple file system on top of a virtual disk. The program will use quite a few system calls
such as open, read, and write.

The virtual disk is actually a single file that is stored on the "real" file system provided by the OS. 

Two files were provided to us to help create, open, close a disk as well as read and write blocks in the virtual disk. The files were
disk.c and disk.h.

The disk has 16,384 blocks and half of that was for FAT and the other for data section for metadata information. There could only be 256 
files with each file being only 4096 (4KB).


The project required to make a set of functions to manipulate files and directories on the virtual disk. 

int make_fs(char* disk_name){
    *In the make_fs() function, the diskName is passed in then is checked if the name is valid
    * then tries to make_disk and open_disk otherwise return -1.
    * The first entry in the fat is busy since the root directory is essentially in the block.
    * The root directory is then given the appropriate metadata.
    * The memcpy is used to get the address of root to a buffer, then buffer is written to block 0.
    * The memcpy is used once again to get addeesss of fat to a buffer, then buffer is written to block 1.
    * Both buffers are then freed.

int mount_fs(char* disk_name); - Haven't got to it.

int unmount_fs(char* disk_name){

    *Currently unsuccessful

    * Attempt to unmount the file system by storing the metadata to a string then later.
    * The metadata information in the string is supposed to be split by 1 whitespace ' '.
    * The entries of the directories were supposed to be split by the '-' character.
    * Each entry and their respective metadata were supposed to be parsed back into memory once
    * the mount_fs was called, unfortunately I didn't have time to complete the two functions.
    * The end result for one entry was supposed to this: -file.txt
    * Problem may also exist with how the structs are set up


int fs_open(char* name){

    Check if the file name is invalid and return -1 if it is.
    * Otherwise, set up the directory like usual then iterate through maximum number
    * of file descriptors till there is one available then if directory entry is doesn't
    * have a filedes then assign the file descriptor to it and return it.


int fs_close(int fildes){

    Basically do the opposite of the fs_open function by setting the directory entry's 
    * fileDes to -1 and thus closing the file

int fs_create(char *name){

    The fs_create function creates a file. 
    * The directory is first initialized, then get metadata from the data block using memcpy.
    * The metadata's address is copied into directory's address.
    * Then find the next available block for the FAT and then initialize FAT.
    * Then put in each respective metadata information into the directory entry (file).
    * Then memcpy the directory into the data block, then block_write using 
    * the available block from the FAT with the buffer being the directory.

int fs_delete(char* name){

    The set up the directory entry per usual then find the file entry using the helper function
    * The index should be greater than -1, then get dir entry's index and passed it to the FAT.
    * While FAT has not reached -1, make each block in FAT empty.
    * Then update the dir entry to 0 in size and index 


int fs_mkdir(char* name){
    The fs_mkdir function is essentially the same function as fs_create function with the exception of the types

int fs_read(int fildes, void* buf, size_t nbyte){
    *Set up the directory entry as usual and check the filedes.  
    * The temp buffer is with BLOCK_SIZE + 1 because of offset
    * The FAT, using the entry's index will iterate till -1, and will memset the tempBuf to '\0'
    * Then strcat the '\0' to the buffer, then find the offset and do the same thing with memset with
    * data block section
    * Perform the block read with the starting block and the temp buffer.

int fs_write(int fildes, void* buf, size_t nbyte) {
    *Set up the directory entry as usual then check if the filedes is invalid.
    * Get the dir entry's index then iterate through the FAT till it reaches -1 and make 
    * the next block the index each iteration.
    * Then get the length of buffer that was passed in.
    * While the buffer length is greater than 0, get the offset of the file and block number
    * Copy the buffer into the data blocks using strncpy.
    * Then find the free block and use it to do block_write into the disk the string
    * Then initialize the FAT

int fs_get_filesize(int fildes) {
Just set up the directory entry then return the fileDes if it matches the parameter

int fs_lseek(int fildes, off_t offset); - haven't got to it

int fs_truncate(int fildes, off_t offset); - haven't got to it

The project required the use of structs, mainly the directory entry and FAT. I ended up with 6 typedef structs such as FAT, Entry, directory,
fileEntry, dataBlocks, and DATA. 

The FAT struct contained the fileEntry array so each file entry would be kept tracked by the FAT, and the fileEntry only contained status and
next block. The Entry had the metadata information of the directory entry such as name or file size. The directory struct contained an array
of Entries. The dataBlock was an array of section and the DATA was an array of dataBlock.

The testing processes involved getting used to the structs and see what stuff works with regards to how to manipulate the files. There were
some revisions with the struct in order to make sense of what was going on with the project. Then there was spending some time trying to get 
used to using the disk.c functions especially the block_read and block_write functions. The fs_write and fs_read were pretty difficult to 
make since the functions were about determining the size of the buffers that were passed into the functions, and also trying to block_write
or block_read the functions were very difficult. At times the fs_write would write the error message into the disk, thus filling up quite a few
space. Most of the other functions were a bit easier such as creating file/directory as most would use the same approach. It was a matter of 
getting to understand the struct Implementation.

There were also many helper functions used to get the available free blocks in the FAT, find a file entry, find available entries, get the offset
of the file. I also had a change directory function since I imported functions from myshell.c such as the paraser function, shell prompt,
buitInCommand. There was also a directory stack for the change directory function and also had the typical stack functions made.

The main problems that I have occured are the mount_fs and unmount_fs functions. I haven't done the mount_fs functions due time and also 
becuase of the way that my structs are implemente, it's more difficult or confusing to unmount_fs as I don't know how to properly unmount_fs the 
file system due the directory entries being limited by MAX_ENTRIES. I tried to store the metadata of directory entry into a C++ string and then
wanted to parse the metadata approriately and put them into the mount_fs. I also don't have fs_lseek and fs_truncate since I didn't have the
time to work on them or to properly understand how they worked.