
Simple REST API with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Simple REST API that enables storing comments for any static site.


Endpoint Method Request params Body params Description
/api/comments GET host, path List comments at given host and path
/api/comments POST host, path, author, comment Add new comment
/api/comments DELETE id Delete comment
/api/votes POST commentId, score Vote on given comment


  1. Run the service

It requires existing postgres database.

docker run -d -e DB_ADDRESS=<POSTGRES_JDBC_URI> -e DB_USER=<USER> -e DB_PASS=<PASSWORD> pieca/comments-api:0.0.1

Or run docker compose for both comments-api and postgres:

docker-compose up -d
  1. Add the following under your <head>:
<script src="<COMMENTS_API_ENDPOINT>/comments-api.js"></script>
  1. Add the following within your <body> (of course, you can adjust <template> as needed):
    <!-- place this where the comments should appear -->
    <div id="comments-api-comments"></div>
    <template id="comments-api-new-comment">
        <p><input type="text" id="comments-api-new-comment-author" required minlength="1" size="10" placeholder="Your name..." /></p>
        <p><textarea name="" id="comments-api-new-comment-text" cols="30" rows="5" placeholder="Your comment..."></textarea></p>
        <p><button id="comments-api-new-comment-button" onclick="saveComment(this)">Comment</button></p>
    <template id="comments-api-comment">
        <p class="comments-api-comment-author"></p>
        <p class="comments-api-comment-ts"></p>
        <p class="comments-api-comment-content"></p>
        <p class="comments-api-comment-score"></p>
        <p><button class="comments-api-comment-vote" data-comment-id="" onclick="vote(this, -1)">Downvote</button></p>
        <p><button class="comments-api-comment-vote" data-comment-id="" onclick="vote(this, 1)">Upvote</button></p>
        loadComments("<COMMENTS_API_ENDPOINT>", "comments-api-comments")

Not yet available

  • reply to comment option
  • access control
  • tests