NGO Management System

Simple NGO Management System built with php as a Mini Project for deeper understandin of how databases are managed and work flow of it Technologies used

  • PHP
  • javaScript


  • Login ,Signup ,Edit
  • Manage Donors
  • Admin Donors Volunteers and their roles
  • Record Transactions Donated Money
  • Donate Money
  • Add Volunteer Tasks
  • View Tasks of volunteers


1. Admin

Has access to all the features

2. Donor

Can Donate

  • View Donations
  • Manage Transactions
  • Donate Items

3. Volunteer

The Volunteer who is Conducting Tasks

  • Record Tasks
  • Add Task

Software Requirements

  • xampp
  • browser

Quick Guide

  1. Clone this repo to your documents root e.g under c:\xampp\htdocs\ on windows
  2. Import the ngo.sql file to your database. (You can create a database called ngo using phpmyadmin and import this file into it)
  3. open pdo.php file and enter your database settings
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=ngo','root', '');
  1. Open the url to your project e.g http://localhost/NGO-Management-System