
How to use springboot, how to use servlet in springboot, how to use static file and freemarker

Primary LanguageJava


Two ways to use servlet:

Method 1

In the entry class of Application using @ServletComponentScan.

In the controller the code could be writing as below:

@WebServlet(name = "HelloServlet", value = "/helloservlet")
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {}
@WebFilter(filterName = "helloFilter", urlPatterns = "/hellofilter")
public class HelloFilter implements Filter {}
public class HelloListener implements ServletContextListener {}

Method 2

treated all stuff as bean and registered controller in the entry class of application

public ServletRegistrationBean getServletRegistrationBean() {
    ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(new HelloServlet());
    return servletRegistrationBean;

public FilterRegistrationBean getFilterRegistrationBean() {
    FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean(new HelloFilter());
    return filterRegistrationBean;

public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<HelloListener> getServletListenerRegistrationBean() {
    ServletListenerRegistrationBean servletListenerRegistrationBean = new ServletListenerRegistrationBean(new HelloListener());
    return servletListenerRegistrationBean;

Return json string

Two ways:

Method 1 @RestController to the controller class

public class HelloController {
    private Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
    public Map<String, Object> hello() {
        return result;

Method 2 @Controller to the controller class and @ResponseBody to the method

public class HelloController {

    private Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
    public Map<String, Object> hello() {
        return result;

Render to freemarker

Three tips:

  1. Do not use @ResponseBody or @RestController
  2. The controller should return the file name (without suffix) of the template file
  3. The variable name which add to Model should be same with the variable in the template file


public class StudentList {
    public String studentlist(Model model) {
        List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<>();
        model.addAttribute("slist", studentList); // the attrbuteName should same with the corresponding variable the template file
        return "studentlist"; // same with the template file name



    <#list slist as student>



# Default value true
# Default value /templates
# Default value ftlh

