
Button group for angular 2 and angular material 2.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


alt tag

alt tag

Button group for angular 2 and angular material 2.



Install package

npm install pperle/ng2-float-btn --save



import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms"
import { MaterialModule } from '@angular/material';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

import { Ng2FloatBtnModule } from 'ng2-float-btn';

    imports: [ 
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Ng2FloatBtnComponent, Ng2FloatBtn } from 'ng2-float-btn';

	selector: 'test-app',
	template: `
		<ng2-float-btn [mainButton]="mainButton" [buttons]="buttons" [isMini]="true" [direction]="'right'">
		<div style="z-index:400; position: absolute; bottom: 0;">
			<ng2-float-btn [mainButton]="mainButton" [buttons]="buttons"  [direction]="'up'">
export class AppComponent {

	mainButton: Ng2FloatBtn;
	buttons: Array<Ng2FloatBtn>;

	public constructor() {

		this.mainButton = {
			color: "primary",
			iconName: "check"

		this.buttons = [
				color: "primary",
				iconName: "add",
				onClick: () => {
					alert("buton 1 clicked");
				label : "button 1"
				color: "primary",
				iconName: "remove",
				onClick: () => {
					alert("buton 2 clicked");
				label : "button 2"

Type Definition


Property Type Description
color string The color of the button. Can be primary, accent, or warn(Reference)
iconName string The name of the material icon. Refer to here
onClick(optional) any The callback function when the button clicked
label(optional) string The label of the button

Element Atributes

Attribute Type Description
mainButton Ng2FloatBtn The main button of the button group. label and onClick will be ignored.
buttons Array<Ng2FloatBtn> The array of button of the collapsed button.
direction string The direction that the collapsed fab should expand to when the main button get clicked. Can be right, left, up and down