
Testing Tool for Electric Imp

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Electric Imp Test Runner provides ability to execute set of tests.


npm i -g imptest

Node.js 4.0+ is required.

Command Line Interface

  • init — Generation or updating the test confiduration file
imptest init [options]


  -d, --debug          debug output
  -c, --config [path]  config file path [default: .imptest]
  -f, --force          overwrite existing configuration
  • test — Start the test execution process
imptest test [options] [testcase_pattern]


  -d, --debug          debug output
  -c, --config [path]  config file path [default: .imptest]

testcase_pattern specifyes testcase to be executed. The syntax of the Test case pattern is: [testClass].[testMethod]

testClass is the name of the test class.

testMethod is the test method in the test class.

Example of testcase_pattern:

Let code of test file is:

class MyTestClass extends ImpTestCase {
    function testMe() {...}
    function testMe_1() {...}
class MyTestClass_1 extends ImpTestCase {
    function testMe() {...}
    function testMe_1() {...}
  • case imptest test MyTestClass.testMe

testMe() method in MyTestClass class will be executed.

  • case imptest test MyTestClass_1.

All methods in MyTestClass_1 class will be executed.

  • case imptest test .testMe_1

Two testMe_1() methods in both classes will be executed.

  • case imptest test .

imptest test . is the same as imptest test - All test methods in all test classes will be executed.

.imptest File Specification

.imptest file is used to configure tests execution.

    "apiKey":         {string},           // Build API key, optional
    "modelId":        {string},           // Model id
    "devices":        {string[]},         // Device IDs
    "deviceFile":     {string|false},     // Device code file. Default: "device.nut"
    "agentFile":      {string|false},     // Agent code file. Default: "agent.nut"
    "tests":          {string|string[]},  // Test file search pattern. Default: ["*.test.nut", "tests/**/*.test.nut"]
    "stopOnFailure":  {boolean},          // Stop tests execution on failure? Default: false
    "timeout":        {number}            // Async test methods timeout, seconds. Default: 10

Agent code and device code together

It is possible to use agent and device specific test code together. The rules for the using are:

  • The test's implementation should be either in device code nor agent, not in both. Let's name the file with test's implementation as TestFile, another file will have name - PartnerFile
  • TestFile and PartnerFile names should conform the pattern [TestName].[agent | device].test.nut.
  • TestFile and PartnerFile should be in the same folder(directory).
  • TestFile should be found by "Test file search pattern".
  • PartnerFile should not be found by "Test file search pattern". Otherwise the PartnerFile will be in TestFile role and the TestFile becomes to be in PartnerFile role. impTest doesn't add ImpTestCase class to the partner code. As a result an execution will fail.

for more details see sample7

Environment Variables

Environment variables used in place of missing keys:




git clone <repo-url-goes-here> imptest
cd imptest
npm i


src/cli/imptest.js <command> [options] [arguments]


src/cli/imptest.js test -c samples/sample1/.imptest

Testing impTest

Jasmine test suite is included with the project.

The following environment variables need to be set before spec run:

  • SPEC_DEBUG {true|false} – Enables/disables debug output
  • SPEC_MODEL_ID – Model Id to use for tests
  • SPEC_DEVICE_ID/SPEC_DEVICE_IDS – Device Id/Ids (comma-separated) to use for tests

Then npm test.

On WIN OS you have to correct package.json file, line "test": "node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js" have to be replaced with "test": "node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js".

For example:

SPEC_DEBUG=false SPEC_MODEL_ID=Lu55555OJHZT SPEC_DEVICE_IDS=237d555558a609ee npm test


The code in this repository is licensed under MIT License.