Pagination and filtering helper method for TypeORM repositories or query builders using Nest.js framework :book::paperclip:
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extractVirtualProperty Fails to Retrieve Virtual Columns on Inverse Side of OneToOne Relations
#1038 opened by 256Taras - 3
Sort by non selected fields
#969 opened by wisac - 2
Filtering on a relation actually returns the filtered relations, not the filtered main array
#1029 opened by jlefebvre1997 - 3
Swagger definition of the sortBy meta property and the meta and links properties breaks Golang codegen
#1027 opened by mikerobski - 4
problem with view entity with composite primary key
#1033 opened by mortezakarimi - 5
use select for filter returning result but by default return all result
#1025 opened by mortezakarimi - 3
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Support @nestjs/swagger 8.0
#1026 opened by ctilley83 - 2
Performance Issues with Query Builder
#1005 opened by wisac - 10
$eq operator is broken with certain string values
#1000 opened by aberonni - 1
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usage with bun
#1022 opened by dg14 - 4
ilike operator breaks with numeric column
#918 opened by natoszme - 2
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How to get paginated raw data?
#1006 opened by CrossPT - 2
FilterOperator.CONTAINS is BUG in postgresql ?
#936 opened by KhoiBec - 0
`sortBy` a `VirtualColumn` broken in pgsql
#997 opened by Helveg - 1
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How to use multiple filters with $and and $or
#996 opened by wisac - 1
Problem with openapi generator
#976 opened by benjaminfrancois - 2
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Config.withDeleted is not working
#973 opened by egg- - 2
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Case insensitive filter values
#964 opened by wisac - 2
Select too much verbose (specially with relations)
#950 opened by luixal - 1
Remove the host & protocol part of the links section using the `origin` property
#961 opened by samislam - 5
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Can't filter VirtualColumn by number
#951 opened by Helveg - 3
Multi filters with multiple comparators
#842 opened by AnnekimBanchereau - 3
PaginateConfig has string default type for some attributes even it's a generic interface
#866 opened by sitoftonic - 1
Sort By Virtual Column Not Working
#925 opened by MrSharpp - 5
Possibility to control soft deleted records in query parameter like "withDeleted" ?
#940 opened by webdevog - 5
Swagger lack of some meta parameters
#922 opened by robertstrz - 3
How to find the number of records in a relation?
#916 opened by kenvals - 1
Dependency policy
#908 opened by Helveg - 3
Search into the ManyToMany of relations
#897 opened by manishkhalde91 - 4
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Add support for custom DTO
#906 opened by clintonb - 3
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NestJS decorators stop working if a module with Paginate decorator isn't imported first
#864 opened by renatosantos0611 - 2
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Searching for Dates in Non Standard Formats MySQL
#854 opened by ctilley83 - 2
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suggestion: to add multiple sortBy query param
#871 opened by peterLam2 - 2
SortBy property likely not functioning correctly
#853 opened by Razac6 - 2
Sorting by computed value
#840 opened by mengnans - 3