
Api for predixit backoffice.

Promotion Campaign Goals Collection [/campaign/promotion/goals]

List All Promotion goals types [GET]

Retrieve all Promotions Goals with all the necessary attributes for rendering

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          goals: [
                  id: 1,
                  goal: 'Reward',
                  message: '<b>Reward your customers</b> with dedicated promotions, even when browsing without logging in, choose from the customers <b>who buy the most and those who spend more</b>.',
                  iconClass: 'fa fa-eye'
              }, {
                  id: 2,
                  goal: 'Stimulate',
                  message: '<b>Stimulate your customers</b> with dedicated promotions, even when browsing without logging in, choose from the customers <b>who abandon product in the cart or in checkout</b>.',
                  iconClass: 'fa fa-shopping-cart'
              }, {
                  id: 3,
                  goal: 'Get Back',
                  message: '<b>Get your customer</b> back with dedicated promotions, even when browsing without logging in, choose from the customers <b>who no longer but or add to cart or checkout</b>.',
                  iconClass: 'fa fa-line-chart'
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Segments Collection By Goal [/campaign/promotion/goalSegments{?goal_id}]

  • Parameters
    • goal_id - Goal Id

List Segments [GET]

Retrieve all goal's segments

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          segments: [
                  id: 1,
                  label: 'Who buy More'
                  id: 2,
                  label: 'Who spent More'
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Dimensions Collection By Segment [/cluster/dimensions{?segment}]

  • Parameters
    • segment - Segment Id

List Dimension [GET]

Get All Dimension by segment

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          dimensions: [
                  id: 1,
                  label: '1st Variable'
                  id: 1,
                  label: '2nd Variable'
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Dimension Values Collection By Dimension [/cluster/dimensionValues{?dimension}]

  • Parameters
    • dimension - Dimension Id

List Dimension Values [GET]

Get All Possibile Values by dimension

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          dimensionValues: [
                  id: 1,
                  label: '30 days'
                  id: 2,
                  label: '60 days'
                  id: 3,
                  label: '90 days'
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Cluster [/cluster/calculate]

Calculate Cluster [POST]

Get Corrisponding cluster based on dimensions and values

  • Request (application/json)

          data: [
                  dimension: {dimensionId},
                  value: {valueId}
                  dimension: {dimensionId},
                  value: {valueId}
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          cluster: {
              id: 1,
              label: 'Cluster X'
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Template Catalog [/template/catalog]

List All Default Templates [GET]

Get All default template with images for preview, and html template (base64)

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          templates: [
                  id: 1,
                  html: "cmFuZG9tc2Rmc2RmZ3NnZGFmc2dhYXdlcmd0YXdldGF3cnRhcnRlYXJ0d3R3dCA=",
                  thumbnail: "",
                  preview: ""
                  dimension: 2,
                  value: "cmFuZG9tc2Rmc2RmZ3NnZGFmc2dhYXdlcmd0YXdldGF3cnRhcnRlYXJ0d3R3dCA=",
                  thumbnail: "",
                  preview: ""
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Template [/template/{templateId}]

Get Existing campaign template [GET]

Create a new template and return id.

  • Request (application/json)

          template: {
              campaign: {campaignId},
              html: "<style></style><div></div>"
  • Response 200 (application/json)

                  id: {templateId},
                  campaign: {campaignId},
                  html: "cmFuZG9tc2Rmc2RmZ3NnZGFmc2dhYXdlcmd0YXdldGF3cnRhcnRlYXJ0d3R3dCA="
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Modify existing campaign template [PUT]

Modify existing template.

  • Request (application/json)

          template: {
              id: {templateId},
              html: "<style></style><div></div>",
              position: "tl|tc|tr|mr|mc|ml|br|bc|bl"
  • Response 200 (application/json)

                  id: {templateId},
                  campaign: {campaignId},
                  html: "cmFuZG9tc2Rmc2RmZ3NnZGFmc2dhYXdlcmd0YXdldGF3cnRhcnRlYXJ0d3R3dCA=",
                  position: "tl|tc|tr|mr|mc|ml|br|bc|bl"
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Template [/template]

Create new campaign template [POST]

Create a new template and return id.

  • Request (application/json)

          template: {
              campaign: {campaignId},
              html: "<style></style><div></div>",
              position: "tl|tc|tr|mr|mc|ml|br|bc|bl"
  • Response 200 (application/json)

                  id: {templateId},
                  campaign: {campaignId},
                  html: "cmFuZG9tc2Rmc2RmZ3NnZGFmc2dhYXdlcmd0YXdldGF3cnRhcnRlYXJ0d3R3dCA=",
                  position: "tl|tc|tr|mr|mc|ml|br|bc|bl"
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Conditions Collection [/campaign/conditions]

List Conditions [GET]

Retrieve all Conditions

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          conditions: [
                  id: 1,
                  label: 'Visitors who filled in or have already seen the following campaigns'
                  id: 2,
                  label: 'Returning or new visitors'
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

List Campaigns [/campaigns{?contractId}]

  • Parameters
    • contractId - Ecommerce Id

List Campaigns [GET]

Get All Campaigns for a given ecommerce

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          campaigns: {
              promotions: [
                      id: {promotionId},
                      contract: {contractId},
                      goal: {goalId}
                      name: "name",
                      priority: 1,
                      cluster: {clusterId},
                      catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
                      campaignTemplate: {templateId},
                      status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
                      conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
                      createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
                      modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
                      startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
                      endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
                      ABTest: true,
                      APercentage: 60,
                      BPercentage: 40,
                      addToCart: 0,
                      sales: 0,
                      revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

promotion [/campaign/promotion]

Create new promotion campaign [POST]

Create a new promotion and return it.

  • Request (application/json)

          promotion: {
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Promotion [/campaigns/promotion/{promotionId}]

  • Parameters
    • promotionId - Promotion Id

Promotion [GET]

Get a Promotion

  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              priority: 1,
              cluster: {clusterId},
              catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
              campaignTemplate: {templateId},
              status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
              conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
              createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              ABTest: true,
              APercentage: 60,
              BPercentage: 40,
              addToCart: 0,
              sales: 0,
              revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Modify Promotion [PUT]

Modify an existing Promotion (only if status <> 'ACTIVE')

  • Request (application/json)

                      id: {promotionId},
                      contract: {contractId},
                      goal: {goalId}
                      name: "name",
                      priority: 1,
                      cluster: {clusterId},
                      catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
                      campaignTemplate: {templateId},
                      conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
                      createdAt: "gg/mm/yy hh:MM:ss",
                      modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yy hh:MM:ss", 
                      startDatetime: "gg/mm/yy hh:MM:ss",
                      endDatetime: "gg/mm/yy hh:MM:ss",
                      ABTest: true,
                      APercentage: 60,
                      BPercentage: 40,
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              priority: 1,
              cluster: {clusterId},
              catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
              campaignTemplate: {templateId},
              status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
              conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
              createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              ABTest: true,
              APercentage: 60,
              BPercentage: 40,
              addToCart: 0,
              sales: 0,
              revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Promotion [/campaigns/promotion/{promotionId}/wizard/stepOne]

  • Parameters
    • promotionId - Promotion Id

Validate And Save Step One Data Promotion [PUT]

Cretion/Edit promotion Wizard step 1 (only if status <> 'ACTIVE')

  • Request (application/json)

                      id: {promotionId},
                      name: "name",
                      cluster: {clusterId},
                      catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
                      ABTest: true,
                      APercentage: 60,
                      BPercentage: 40
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              priority: 1,
              cluster: {clusterId},
              catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
              campaignTemplate: {templateId},
              status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
              conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
              createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              ABTest: true,
              APercentage: 60,
              BPercentage: 40,
              addToCart: 0,
              sales: 0,
              revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Promotion [/campaigns/promotion/{promotionId}/wizard/stepTwo]

  • Parameters
    • promotionId - Promotion Id

Validate And Save Step Two Data Promotion [PUT]

Cretion/Edit promotion Wizard step 2 (TEMPLATE) (only if status <> 'ACTIVE')

  • Request (application/json)

                      id: {promotionId},
                      campaignTemplate: {templateId},
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              priority: 1,
              cluster: {clusterId},
              catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
              campaignTemplate: {templateId},
              status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
              conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
              createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              ABTest: true,
              APercentage: 60,
              BPercentage: 40,
              addToCart: 0,
              sales: 0,
              revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Promotion [/campaigns/promotion/{promotionId}/wizard/stepThree]

  • Parameters
    • promotionId - Promotion Id

Validate And Save Step Three Data Promotion [PUT]

Cretion/Edit promotion Wizard step 3 (only if status <> 'ACTIVE')

  • Request (application/json)

                      id: {promotionId},
                      name: "name",
                      conditions: [ {conditionId1} , {conditionId2}  ],
                      startDatetime: "gg/mm/yy hh:MM:ss",
                      endDatetime: "gg/mm/yy hh:MM:ss",
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              priority: 1,
              cluster: {clusterId},
              catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
              campaignTemplate: {templateId},
              status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
              createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              ABTest: true,
              APercentage: 60,
              BPercentage: 40,
              addToCart: 0,
              sales: 0,
              revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []

Promotion [/campaigns/promotion/{promotionId}/setActive]

  • Parameters
    • promotionId - Promotion Id

Change Promotion Status Promotion [PUT]

Change Promotion Status

  • Request (application/json)

                      id: {promotionId},
                      active: true|false,
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          promotion: {
              id: {promotionId},
              contract: {contractId},
              goal: {goalId}
              name: "name",
              priority: 1,
              cluster: {clusterId},
              catalogTemplate: {catalogId},
              campaignTemplate: {templateId},
              status: 'DRAFT|ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
              createdAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              modifiedAt: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss", 
              startDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              endDatetime: "gg/mm/yyyy hh:MM:ss",
              ABTest: true,
              APercentage: 60,
              BPercentage: 40,
              addToCart: 0,
              sales: 0,
              revenues: 0
          statusCode: "OK",
          statusDescription: "message.success",
          warnings: []