Note that this repository is always updated according to the beta openSPOT firmware releases.
The HTTP API uses JSON queries and replies.
All queries except gettok.cgi must include a valid token and digest. To acquire these, your application must complete the login process. These two keys are not represented in the JSON structure descriptions below. Token/digest pairs stay valid for 3600 seconds after the last valid query.
- Request a token using gettok.cgi.
- Concatenate the token and the password string.
- Hash this using SHA256 to get the digest.
- Call login.cgi with the token and the digest in the query.
Example login process with example JSON queries:
- POST gettok.cgi an empty query. Response:
{ "token": "1f9a8b7c" }
- Our password is "passw0rd". So we concatenate the token and the password, and hash it:
- This gives us the digest "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be"
- Now we call login.cgi with this JSON query:
The reply will be:
{ "token": "1f9a8b7c", "digest": "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be" }
{ "success": 1, "hostname": "openspot" }
- Now we are logged in and can call all API interfaces with the token and digest.
Returns the IP address of openSPOT.
"ip": ""
Doesn't take any parameters from a query. Returns the session token, which is a hexadecimal uint32_t (8 ASCII characters).
"token": "1f9a8b7c"
Checks the validity of the given token and digest. success is 1 if they are valid and the user has logged in previously. Also returns openSPOT's hostname and current IP address. nopass is 1 if openSPOT has no password set.
"success": 1,
"nopass": 0,
"hostname": "openspot",
"ip_address": ""
Logs in the user if the given token and digest is valid. success is 1 if they are valid. Also returns openSPOT's hostname.
"success": 1,
"hostname": "openspot"
Logs out the user if the given token and digest is valid and the user has logged in previously. success is 1 if logout was successful.
"success": 1
Checks the validity of the given token and digest, and triggers a reboot. success is 1 if token and digest are valid and the user has logged in previously.
If reset_config is set to 1 in the query, it resets the default configuration after rebooting.
Query (optional):
"reset_config": 1
"success": 1
Returns openSPOT's current status.
status can be:
- 0: Standby
- 1: In call
- 2: Connector not set
- 3: Connector connecting
- 4: Modem initializing
- 5: Modem disconnected
- 6: Modem HW/SW version mismatch
- 7: Modem firmware upgrade in progress
rssi_tc0_values_dbm and rssi_tc1_values_dbm contain RSSI values since the last call of status.cgi. If the current modem mode is non-TDMA, then ignore rssi_tc1_values_dbm.
dejitter_buf_tc0_pkts and dejitter_buf_tc1_pkts contain dejitter buffer packet count values since the last call of status.cgi. If the current modem mode is non-TDMA, then ignore dejitter_buf_tc1_pkts.
The packet and byte UDP traffic counters are monotonically increasing 32 bit values.
"status": 0,
"rssi_tc0_values_dbm": [-60,-62,-65],
"rssi_tc1_values_dbm": [-60,-62,-65],
"dejitter_buf_tc0_pkts": [0, 1, 2],
"dejitter_buf_tc1_pkts": [0, 1, 2],
"ber_tc0_values": [0, 1, 2],
"ber_tc1_values": [0, 1, 2],
"invalid_seqnums": 5,
"rx_pkts": 32,
"rx_bytes": 14421,
"tx_pkts": 32,
"tx_bytes": 14421,
"connected_to": "DCS001 A"
Returns current status of DMR SMS sending, if the modem is in DMR mode. Otherwise it'll return with 400 Bad Request. Also it handles SMS sending.
Call types: 0 - private, 1 - group. Format IDs: 0 - ETSI, 1 - UDP, 2 - UDP/Chinese. See user manual for more info. If a new message is received, rx_msg_valid is 1. Setting a new send_srcid in the query overwrites the default_srcid. If send_to_modem is 0, the SMS will be sent to the currently active connector. If intercept_net_msgs is 1, then SMS messages coming from the network to the default_srcid will be processed. If only_save is 1, the SMS will not get sent, only the send_srcid and intercept_net settings will be stored.
Messages are in hexadecimal UTF16BE format. Example: "BEER" = "0042004500450052" Max. message length which can be sent is currently 75 UTF16BE characters (150 hex char pairs).
Query (optional):
"only_save": 0,
"intercept_net_msgs": 0,
"send_dstid": 2161005,
"send_calltype": 0,
"send_srcid": 9998,
"send_format": 0,
"send_tdma_channel": 0,
"send_to_modem": 0,
"send_msg": "0042004500450052"
"default_srcid": 9998,
"intercept_net_msgs": 0,
"send_ongoing": 0,
"send_success": 1,
"send_fail": 0,
"rx_msg_valid": 0,
"rx_msg_srcid": 1234,
"rx_msg_dstid": 9998,
"rx_msg_calltype": 0,
"rx_msg_format": 0,
"rx_msg_from_modem": 0,
"rx_msg": "0042004500450052"
Returns the SharkRF IP Connector Server's current status, if it's the active connector. Otherwise it'll return with 400 Bad Request.
client_connected is 1 if a client is connected.
"client_connected": 0,
"client_id": 1234,
"client_callsign": ""
If you want to change openSPOT's active connector, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if the active connector is changed.
Valid connector IDs:
- 0: No connector set.
- 1: DMRplus
- 2: Homebrew
- 3: TS repeat
- 4: DCS/XLX
- 5: FCS
- 6: SharkRF IP Connector Client
- 7: SharkRF IP Connector Server
- 8: DMR demodulation mode auto calibration
- 9: REF/XRF
- 10: YSFReflector
Query (optional):
"new_connector": 0
"changed": 0,
"active_connector": 0
If you want to change the DMRplus connector settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_server_host": "",
"new_port": 8880,
"new_dmr_id": "",
"new_reflector_id": 0,
"new_keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 10
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"server_host": "",
"port": 8880,
"dmr_id": "",
"reflector_id": 0,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10
If you want to change the Homebrew connector settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Valid autocon_calltype, c4fm_dstcalltype and reroute_calltype values: 0 - group call, 1 - private call.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_server_host": "",
"new_port": 62030,
"new_callsign": "",
"new_password": "",
"new_repeater_id": 901234,
"new_autocon_id": 4771,
"new_autocon_calltype": 0,
"new_autocon_tdma_channel": 0,
"new_autocon_interval_sec": 500,
"new_autocon_discon": 0,
"new_dmo_tdma_channel": 0,
"new_c4fm_dstid": 9,
"new_c4fm_dstcalltype": 0,
"new_reroute_id": 9990,
"new_reroute_calltype": 1,
"new_keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"changed": 1,
"server_host": "",
"port": 62030,
"callsign": "",
"password": "",
"repeater_id": 901234,
"autocon_id": 4771,
"autocon_tdma_channel": 0,
"autocon_interval_sec": 500,
"autocon_discon": 0,
"dmo_tdma_channel": 0,
"c4fm_dstid": 9,
"c4fm_dstcalltype": 0,
"reroute_id": 9990,
"reroute_calltype": 1,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30
If you want to change the DCS/XLX connector settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_server_host": "",
"new_port": 12345,
"new_ccs_port": 12345,
"new_callsign": "",
"new_local_module": "A",
"new_reflector": "DCS025",
"new_remote_module": "Z",
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"ccs_port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"local_module": "A",
"reflector": "DCS025",
"remote_module": "Z",
"rx_timeout_sec": 1
If you want to change the REF/XRF connector settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_server_host": "",
"new_port": 12345,
"new_ccs_port": 12345,
"new_callsign": "",
"new_local_module": "D",
"new_reflector": "REF001",
"new_remote_module": "C",
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"ccs_port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"local_module": "D",
"reflector": "REF001",
"remote_module": "C",
"rx_timeout_sec": 1
If you want to change the FCS connector settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_server_host": "",
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_port": 12345,
"new_callsign": "",
"new_ccs7_id": 2161005,
"new_reflector": "FCS001",
"new_room_number": 25,
"new_keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"server_host": "",
"port": 12345,
"callsign": "",
"ccs7_id": 2161005,
"reflector": "FCS001",
"room_number": 25,
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10
If you want to change the YSFReflector connector settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_server_host": "",
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_port": 42000,
"new_callsign": "",
"new_keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"server_host": "",
"port": 42000,
"callsign": "",
"keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
"rx_timeout_sec": 10
If you want to change the SharkRF IP Connector Client settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_server_host": "",
"new_port": 65100,
"new_id": 2161005,
"new_password": "abcdefgh",
"new_callsign": "",
"new_keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"server_host": "",
"port": 65100,
"id": 2161005,
"password": "abcdefgh",
"callsign": "",
"keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
"rx_timeout_sec": 30
If you want to change the SharkRF IP Connector Server settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"new_port": 65100,
"new_password": "abcdefgh",
"new_rx_timeout_sec": 30
"changed": 1,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"port": 65100,
"password": "abcdefgh",
"rx_timeout_sec": 30
You can periodically query this CGI to get current DMR demodulation mode auto calibration status. Also you can change this connector's modem RX/TX frequencies. When the frequencies are changed, the connector is restarted.
State can be:
- 0: idle
- 1: calibrating
- 2: finished, result available
- 3: modem is not in DMR mode
Progress is in percent. Result is the auto calibrated demodulation mode (0 - A, 1 - B, 2 - C, etc.)
Query (optional):
"new_rx_freq": 436000000,
"new_tx_freq": 436000000,
"rx_freq": 436000000,
"tx_freq": 436000000,
"state": 1,
"progress": 56,
"result": 2
Allows you to query general info about the openSPOT box. blver is the bootloader version. uid is the device unique ID in hexadecimal.
"hwver": "1.0",
"swver": "0001",
"blver": "0001",
"mac": "FE:28:00:00:00:FA",
"uid": "abcdef"
Allows you to change openSPOT's password. changed is 1 if the password has been changed.
"new_password": "openspot",
"changed": 1
If you want to change the network settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
ip_config_mode can be:
- 0: DHCP
- 1: DHCP with auto IP
- 2: Auto IP
- 3: Static IP
Query (optional):
"new_ip_config_mode": 0,
"new_hostname": "openspot",
"new_static_ip": "",
"new_static_mask": "",
"new_static_gw": "",
"new_static_dns1": "",
"new_static_dns2": "",
"new_dejitter_queue_msec": 130
"changed": 1,
"ip_config_mode": 0,
"hostname": "openspot",
"static_ip": "",
"static_mask": "",
"static_gw": "",
"static_dns1": "",
"static_dns2": "",
"dejitter_queue_msec": 130
If you want to change location settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_latitude": "0.0",
"new_longitude": "0.0",
"new_height_agl": 0,
"new_name": ""
"changed": 1,
"latitude": "0.0",
"longitude": "0.0",
"height_agl": 0,
"name": ""
If you want to change general DMR settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_cc": 1,
"new_echo_id": 9999,
"new_default_c4fm_id": 0,
"new_transmit_idle_in_idle_tx_tdma_channel": 1
"changed": 1,
"cc": 1,
"echo_id": 9999,
"default_c4fm_id": 0,
"transmit_idle_in_idle_tx_tdma_channel": 1
If you want to change general D-STAR settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_echo_callsign": " E"
"changed": 1,
"echo_callsign": " E"
If you want to change general C4FM settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_dtmf_automute_cmds": 1
"changed": 1,
"dtmf_automute_cmds": 1
If you want to change callsign/CCS7 ID lock settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings.
Query (optional):
"new_id": 2161005,
"new_callsign": "HA2NON"
"changed": 0,
"id": 0,
"callsign": ""
If you want to change the current RX, TX frequency or TX power without reinitializing the modem, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if the frequency got changed. Returns currently active settings.
DMR demodulation mode values: 0 - A, 1 - B, 2 - C etc.
Query (optional):
"new_rx_frequency": 433450000,
"new_dmr_demodmode": 0,
"new_tx_frequency": 433450000,
"new_tx_power_percent": 100
"changed": 1,
"rx_frequency": 433450000,
"dmr_demodmode": 0,
"tx_frequency": 433450000,
"tx_power_percent": 100
If you want to change the current modem mode, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if the mode got changed. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.
mode can be:
- 0: Idle
- 1: Raw
- 2: DMR
- 3: D-STAR
- 4: C4FM
submode can be:
- 0: No submode set
- 1: DMR Hotspot
- 2: DMR MS
- 3: DMR BS
Query (optional):
"new_mode": 0,
"new_submode": 0,
"changed": 1,
"modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
"mode": 0,
"submode": 0,
If you want to change the current modulation mode, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if the modulation got changed. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.
- modulation_mode can be:
- 0: 2FSK
- 1: 2FSK Raised Cosine
- 2: 4FSK
- 3: 4FSK Raised Cosine
Query (optional):
"new_modulation_mode": 0,
"new_bitrate": 9600,
"new_inner_deviation_hz": 648
"changed": 1,
"modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
"modulation_mode": 0,
"bitrate": 9600,
"inner_deviation_hz": 648
If you want to change the current packet settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if packet settings got changed. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.
Query (optional):
"new_packet_size_in_bits": 288,
"new_sync_word_length_in_bits": 24,
"new_sync_word_pos_in_packet_in_bits": 0,
"new_sync_word_count": 1,
"new_sync_word1": "4f5de8",
"new_sync_word2": "445566"
"changed": 1,
"modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
"packet_size_in_bits": 288,
"sync_word_length_in_bits": 24,
"sync_word_pos_in_packet_in_bits": 0,
"sync_word_count": 1,
"sync_word1": "4f5de8",
"sync_word2": "445566"
If you want to change the current TDMA settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if packet settings got changed. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.
Query (optional):
"new_tdma_enabled": 1,
"new_tdma_pit_calibration_wait_for_packets_num": 2,
"new_tdma_pit_calibration_compensation_multiplier": 1.2,
"new_tdma_needed_sync_frames_for_tdma_channel_be_valid": 1
"changed": 1,
"modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
"tdma_enabled": 1,
"tdma_pit_calibration_wait_for_packets_num": 2,
"tdma_pit_calibration_compensation_multiplier": 1.2,
"tdma_needed_sync_frames_for_tdma_channel_be_valid": 1
If you want to change modem calibration settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.
Query (optional):
"new_auto_calibration": 1,
"new_recalibrate_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
"new_recalibrate_rf_ic_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
"new_temp_read_interval_in_sec": 10,
"new_temp_read_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10,
"new_quick_calibrate_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10
"changed": 1,
"modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
"auto_calibration": 1,
"recalibrate_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
"recalibrate_rf_ic_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
"temp_read_interval_in_sec": 10,
"temp_read_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10,
"quick_calibrate_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10
If you want to change other modem settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. changed is 1 if at least one setting got changed. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.
agc_auto and external_vco fields are booleans.
Query (optional):
"new_rssi_avg_sample_count": 5,
"new_high_gain_low_linearity": 0,
"new_agc_auto": 0,
"new_agc_low_threshold_dbm": -50,
"new_agc_high_threshold_dbm": -80,
"new_external_vco": 0,
"new_call_hang_time_ms": 3000
"changed": 1,
"modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
"rssi_avg_sample_count": 5,
"high_gain_low_linearity": 0,
"agc_auto": 0,
"agc_low_threshold_dbm": -50,
"agc_high_threshold_dbm": -80,
"external_vco": 0,
"call_hang_time_ms": 3000