
This project is using tweepy Twitter API. In this, we can get tweets trends of the country or any specific location, 100 or more tweets of the specific hashtag and sentiment analysis of specific hashtag tweets.

Primary LanguagePython


Create a auth_data.py file

goto https://developer.twitter.com and Create an account. you will get consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret from there.

Create auth_data.py file and put these authentication keys in string formate.

consumer_key = '' consumer_secret = '' access_token = '' access_token_secret = '' put that data in auth_data.py files.

Now you can run these topTrends.py tweetsOfHashTag.py and sentomentAnalysis.py files.

for instruction you can read readme-first.txt file

Where On Earth ID WoE

trend tweets
