
a CPAN.pm plugin for installing external dependencies

Primary LanguagePerl

CPAN version Build Status Appveyor


CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps is a CPAN.pm plugin for automatic installation of non-CPAN dependencies, usually through the operating system's package manager.

CPAN.pm plugin support exists since version 2.07 and is currently marked as experimental.

After installation of this module (the standard perl way --- perl Makefile.PL && make all test install), you can configure CPAN.pm to use this plugin:

$ cpan
cpan> o conf plugin_list push CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps
cpan> o conf commit

It's also possible to use the knowledge provided by CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps using the script cpan-sysdeps.

Author: Slaven Rezić