
ESP32 iot controller


  • you will need ESP-IDF installed

    Toolchain version: esp32-2019r1 Compiler version: 8.2.0

  • you will need nodejs and yarn installed

  • git clone --recursive init

  • run cd ui; yarn install; yarn build; cd .. to build web ui

  • run make menuconfig to configure firmware

  • run make flash monitor to flash

Architecture and Code

folder strucure:

troubleshooting: -- manually uploading update file: curl --data-binary "@/path/to/esp32ctrl/build/file_server.bin" http://host/update


  • set config -> server side -- rule engine -- devices need to know how to set config -- store/don't store config

  • boot event (that every plugin can register): things that need to happen when all the plugins have registered.

  • profiles: -- change profile function --- goes over all configs/states and sets them --- goToStep function (in rule engine) --- timed profiles ----- startProfile, setStep, stopProfile

  • SD card test

  • logging test (logging of state/configs) -- start log/ stop log (for rule engine)

  • ui charts (on dashboard)