Local Offers

An embeddable React app to show a user the nearest places with some discounts or best possible offers for a user or us or a specific place. The UI was both Map and Card based so we can select the best possible way to communicate to our users.


  • ES6
  • React, Redux, Sagas
  • Styled Components (CSS-in-JS)
  • Webpack
  • Google Maps API
  • OpenID
  • Atomic design
  • Storybook

Again, no designs were provided, except the very basic idea on how it should work, so I used material design as a reference and my feelings on UX, which leaded to pretty useful product. With easy way of changing from nice to the great one if professional design was provided.


Unfortunately, the company it was built for got bankrupt lsat November, 
so they closed all possible services, including PROD and TEST APIs.

So the APP can't be launched right now, until a new API provided or
some dummy data added.