
An attempt to build an Azure SDK for Perl

Primary LanguagePerl 6OtherNOASSERTION


Attempt to build a complete Azure SDK in Perl

This project is an attempt to build an Azure SDK from the official, public Azure REST API definitions found in https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs. Said repo holds OpenAPI (Swagger) definitions for a lot of the Azure APIs. Although swagger can generate a Perl client, it doesn't take into account Microsoft specific extensions to support Azure (x-ms-xxx). Our aim is to develop a fully functional SDK that can support as many Azure services as possible.


Consider the SDK alpha-quality code and please use with care, since it's in its initial stages. We won't publish it to CPAN until we consider the code a bit more stable.

All the "here be dragons" cautions apply, although we're running it in some production scenarios with success: YMMV. If you're interested, please report what went well and what did not in the GitHub issues of this project. We'll try to help get things working for you.

Service Scope

The intention is to support all the services published on the azure-rest-api-specs GitHub repo. There are some notable services missing from these repos: Azure Storage. I haven't found any specs for the BLOBs, Tables nor Queues services that form part of Azure Storage.


For now we're not providing an "installable" package (via CPAN), so just do a Development setup. See below.

Development setup

git clone https://github.com/capside/azure-sdk-perl.git
cd azure-sdk-perl

With carton you can install all the dependencies needed in a local environment, so you can play around with dependencies without affecting the system libraries. The cpanfile is used to track the required dependencies.

It's possible that you need -dev libraries to compile some of these modules. These packages are:

  • In Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
  • In Red Hat/CentOS:
sudo yum install openssl-devel
  • In Mac OS X:
brew install openssl

If yo are using Mac OS X - El Capitan(10.11) you will probably need to force the link of the openssl header to /usr/local:

brew link openssl --force

And now tell Carton to install the dependecies in a local lib:

carton install
# drop into a shell so perl can always find the local libraries
carton exec $SHELL -l

Trying it out

Each class for each API can be constructed in the following way...

Create a Perl script (myscript.pl):

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Azure;
use Data::Printer;

my $subscription_service = Azure->service('Subscription');

my $subscriptions = $subscription_service->ListSubscriptions;
p $subscriptions;

Also: take a look at the examples directory for some examples of how to use the SDK.


Azure supports lots of authentication flows to Azure through Microsoft Azure AD.

##Client Credentials

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-protocols-oauth-client-creds. This is the best authentication flow for a server-side application that will not gather input from the user.

To use it, the SDK expects you to place the appropiate values into AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID and AZURE_SECRET_ID environment variables.

These values can be obtained in your Azure Account:

export AZURE_TENANT_ID=01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-4567890abcde
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=fedcab98-7654-3210-fedc-ab9876543210
export AZURE_SECRET_ID=Ex4mpleCl1entS3kr3t=

· Tenant ID: the uuid of your AD Tenant. This is visible in the Azure AD control panel, under "Applications", select "Endpoints". In the URLS you'll identify the Tenant ID.

· Client ID: create a "Web or API application" to obtain a Client ID.

· Secret ID: create a new key for the application you just created.

To manage Azure accounts, the application has to have delegated permissions for the "Windows Azure Service Management API". Be sure to grant the persmissions from the applications "required permissions" blade.

It's also necessary to grant the application privileges over some type of item. Go to the Azure subscription, select IAM, add Ownership role to the name of the application you just created (note: you won't be able to select the application until you write the first letters in the search box)

You can use this grant just instancing an Azure service (it's the default auth provider)

my $subscription_service = Azure->service('Subscription', subscription_id => '...');
my $subscriptions = $subscription_service->ListSubscriptions;

##Password Grant

This authentication provider uses the Azure AD password grant. Note that:

This flow has given us much flexibility to gain a token easily, while, as this flow will expose the user name and password directly in a http request, it brings potential attack risk as well. Your credential will be lost easily if the request is sent to an unexpected endpoint, and definitely we should always avoid handling the user credential directly. Furthermore, notice that resource owner password grant doesn't provide consent and doesn't support MFA either. So, try to use Authorization Code flow if possible and do not abuse the resource owner password grant

But it still is handy for some tasks

use Azure::Credentials::AzureADPassword;
my $creds = Azure::Credentials::AzureADPassword->new();
my $config = Azure::SDK::Config->new(
  credentials => $creds,
  subscription_id => $ENV{ AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID },

my $subs = Azure->service('Subscription');
my $subscriptions = $subs->ListSubscriptions;

To configure it properly in Azure, go to the Azure AD control panel -> Applications

  • Create a native Application
  • Give it "Windows Azure Service Management API" permissions
  • Click the "Grant permissions button" on the applications permissions blade


Other auth schemes can be plugged into the SDK. Take a look at existing credential providers in Azure/Credentials. You basically have to implement a class that

Integrated CLI

The SDK ships with a small CLI utility to help navigate the APIs. It just


will print all services available

azure-perl Subscription

will print the methods that can be called for the Subscription service

azure-perl Subscription ListTenants

will execute ListTenants. If the API needs parameters they will be informed:

azure-perl Subscription GetSubscriptions

will tell you what parameters have to be passed to the getSubscription operation

azure-perl Subscription GetSubscriptions subscriptionId xxxxxxxxxxxx

azure-perl ResourceManagement ListDeployments subscriptionId xxxx resourceGroupName rg1

NOTE: although the api-version parameter is listed as required, it's really not needed because the SDK figures it out for you.


Jose Luis Martinez started this project

Oriol Soriano, Eleatzar Colomer, Rael Garcia and Albert Bendicho have contributed various parts to the very early codebase.


(c) 2016 CAPSiDE