
lists of various prime numbers in textfiles


A prime number is any positive integer that has exactly two divisors 1 and itself. 1 is not prime [1].

The first 10 primes are:

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29

This is a collection of text files that contain lists of prime numbers. Most of the files contain one prime number per line.

100primes.txt contains the first 100 prime numbers

smallprimes.txt contains all prime numbers < 10,000

someprimes.txt contains all prime numbers < 100,000,000

The folder 100000primes contains 4552 files, each file except for primes.4550 contains 100,000 prime numbers, the last file primes.4550 contains 52,510 numbers. In total, the files contain all the prime numbers < 1e10 (ten billion).


The largest 10 digit prime number is 9,999,999,967

There are 450,052,510 prime numbers < 1e10

The folder 100000primes is approximately 5.1G according to du on my linux laptop.