
PayPal Smart Payment Buttons Example Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PayPal Smart Payment Buttons Example Apps

Disclaimer: The applications provided here and all code is provided as-is. These examples are intended to be EXAMPLES and are not intended to be used in a production environment. I am employed at PayPal, however, the code herein is provided from myself as an example not from PayPal, Inc. I hope these are helpful to helping you understand the API's, but please do not use in a production environment.

In-Context Upgrades

Previously (in May of 2016), I created node-app-examples for In-Context Checkout, and I just upgraded them to use the Smart Payment Buttons and version 4 of Checkout.js, here are links to those apps and the changes:

  1. express-in-context | Code Changes for Upgrade
  2. hapi-in-context | Code Changes for Upgrade
  3. kraken-angular-in-context | Code Changes for Upgrade
  4. kraken-in-context | Code Changes for Upgrade
  5. simple-express-server | Code Changes for Upgrade

Setup & Install

  1. Clone this Repo $ git clone https://github.com/ppnsanders/pp-spb-examples.git
  2. Run $ cd pp-spb-examples
  3. Run $ npm install
  4. Run $ node install.js

Running the Demo App

This repository currently contains 1 independent application:

  1. pp-ec-kraken-angular

I have built these as individual applications to ensure that you can test/demo the specific pieces you want to use and don't need to run all of them or look through multiple files of code to see how it all works.

Once you have ran the initial Install, you can then run the following commands:

  1. Run $ cd pp-ec-kraken-angular
  2. Run $ npm start

The Setup & Install already installed all the NPM dependencies for all of the apps, so this should start up without any issues. You would change the pp-ec-kraken-angular in the above command to the appropriate directory for the app you want to run (i.e. pp-ec-kraken-angular, more coming soon..).

PayPal Express Checkout - REST

  1. pp-ec-kraken-angular


Description: This application uses the KrakenJS framework for the server-side, and v1.6 of the AngularJS framework for the client-side.

Consumer Experience Steps:

  1. Add items to Cart
  2. Checkout with PayPal
  3. Return to Merchant site
  4. Confirm Payment

App/API Steps:

  1. Merchant Credentials are saved in a cookie.
  2. Select the button styles and configuration.
  3. A Cart is shown, items are added to the cart.
  4. Clicking the Checkout with PayPal button calls Create Payment a token is returned.
  5. The token is returned to checkout.js via the resolve() function, and PayPal renders the checkout page.
  6. The onAuthorize() callback is sent from PayPal, the data is stored in a cookie by AngularJS, and the directive switches to <return-page>.
  7. The data from the onAuthorize() callback is shown and a Server call is made to Get Payment Details.
  8. A response is received with the Payment Details and they are shown on the page. Then clicking the "Execute Payment" button will call Payment Execute to complete the payment.