
PhantomJS screenshotting done right

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

Takes screeshot of a given page. This module correctly handles pages which dynamically load content making AJAX requests. Instead of waiting fixed amount of time before rendering, we give a short time for the page to make additional requests.

Example usage

var screenshot = require('url-to-image');
screenshot('http://google.com', 'google.png').fail(function(err) {
}).done(function() {
    // now google.png exists and contains screenshot of google.com


npm install url-to-image

You need to have PhantomJS installed globally. phantomjs executable also needs to be in your PATH.


var screenshot = require('url-to-image');

screenshot(url, filePath, options)

This will run a PhantomJS script(url-to-image.js) which renders given url to an image.


  • url Url of the page which will be rendered as image. For example http://google.com.

  • filePath File path where to save rendered image.

  • options Options for page rendering.

    Default values for options

        // User agent width
        width: 1200,
        // User agent height
        height: 800


Q promise object. In case of error, stderr is passed as a string to fail handler.

Detailed example

var screenshot = require('url-to-image');

var options = {
    width: 600,
    height: 800

var promise = screenshot('http://google.com', 'google.png', options);
promise.fail(function(stderr) {
}).done(function() {
    // do stuff with google.png


grunt test

You need to have mocha installed globally with npm install -g mocha.


  • Commit all changes

  • Run grunt release, which will create new tag and publish code to GitHub

    Travis will release newest tag to NPM

  • Edit GitHub release notes

To see an example how to release minor/major, check https://github.com/geddski/grunt-release


This module was inspired by