
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Savedroid ICO Smart Contracts


https://medium.com/@s_ho/57c87378a977 from Sebastian Hoffmann


Install dependencies:

npm i
npm install -g truffle

Further Preparations for Rinkeby

To run geth on the Rinkeby testnet, enter the geth console:

geth --rinkeby --fast --rpc console

To create an account on the Rinkeby testnet, enter:


Enter a passphrase, repeat it and remember it. Your new address will be displayed. Unlock your new account:


Copy the account and paste it into the truffle.js file in the "from" field. Transfer some funds on the Rinkeby testnet to the new address.


Open a new Terminal. First, compile the contract:

truffle compile

To deploy the smart contract on the development network, run:

truffle migrate --network development

To deploy the smart contract on the Rinkeby testnet, run:

truffle migrate --network rinkeby

Be careful! Every deploy on the same network replaces metadata (including the contract address) stored in the build directory.


In order to mint the tokens, the token contract is required (which is as of January 10th not yet the case). To mint tokens, prepare a JSON file distribution.json. For example:

  "0x8A6d9138e960577D230Ba5F86f872418EA8c0506": {
    "amount": 1.23,
  "0xf6d1fa4fd83ba3e0c77642756e95917b8a47c1dd": {
    "amount": 0.000000000000000001,

Then run (on the development network):

truffle exec scripts/mint.js --network development

Or on the Rinkeby testnet:

truffle exec scripts/mint.js --network rinkeby

Running tests

Run testrpc:


While testrpc is running, run tests:

truffle test

Due to use of testrpc’s evm_increaseTime, you should restart testrpc after each run of tests.

Rinkeby testnet setup

  1. Install geth: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Building-Ethereum
  2. Run it on the Rinkeby testnet:
    geth --rinkeby --rpc
  3. Find in the beginning of the geth log a line like this one:
    IPC endpoint opened: <path_to_ipc>/geth.ipc
  4. Open another terminal and run (using the file path from the previous step):
    geth attach <path_to_ipc>/geth.ipc
  5. Wait for the blockchain to sync. In the geth log, it looks like:
    ... Imported new chain segment               blocks=1 ...
    Also you can run eth.syncing in the geth console. It should return false instead of sync information.
  6. We need to create an account. In the geth console, run:
    When it prompts for a passphrase, input a strong one (32 random chars, for example). Of course, you have to store it somewhere.
  7. Now restart geth with the unlock parameter:
    geth --rinkeby --rpc --unlock "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Instead of 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, use account you created in the previous step. While starting, geth will prompt you for the passphrase.
  8. Transfer some ETH to account to pay for gas.