
API Logger

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Keeps track of your how may API calls you have used.

Can set to keep track on a rolling basis or you can specify to keep track of the calls on a fixed period.

-- Specify additional data points you want 
-- Track(Request)
--Track.ApiCallsRemainingInXTime(arguments time 


++ create custom schema for each new API Table tracked

-Schema api tracker

Master API tracker (API tables tracked)
- ID
- Name 
- Created_Time_Stamp
- Modified_Time_Stamp
- Reset_type => (rolling / fixed_period)
- Rolling_Period
- Request_Frequency
- Request

Sample API Table 
 - id
 - insertion_time_stamp
 - raw_request
 - raw_response
 - raw_response_timestamp
 - call_successfull
 - *specify field for additional data points. 

CallsRemaining() (numofcalls int)
CallsRemainingafter(Time) (numofcalls int)
TimeWhenAPIWillBeGreaterEqualtoPercentageFree(freepercentage int) time

