
Personal Assistant for Linux

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Personal Assistant for Linux


Jarvis is a simple personal assistant for Linux which works on terminal. He can talk to you if you enable his voice. He can tell you the weather, he can find restaurants and and other places near you. He can do some great stuff for you. Stay updated about new functionalities.

Getting Started

In order to start Jarvis just clone the repository and run the command: python Jarvis.


Use the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install the requirements.

Youtube Video

Click here


  • PR's are accepted!!
  • If you have some ideas for new features and you don't have time to implement them please open an issue with the tag new_feature
  • If you have time to add extra functionality to Jarvis (for example new actions like "record" etc.) you only need to add this action to the actions tuple (look on init(self) in CmdInterpreter.py) as a string if it's a one word command or as a dict if it's a two word command. Then, add appropriate methods (substitute record for the name of your command):
    • do_record(self, s): implement here your command functionality. s is where Jarvis will pass the arguments of your command.
    • help_record(self): print what your command does.
    • (optional) complete_record(self): useful to get completions, if it's a two word command use get_completions method:
      • return self.get_completions("record", text)
  • Please don't forget to comment (document) your code

Note: one word command examples are: say [text that Jarvis will speak], weather. Two word command examples are: hotspot start, hotspot stop, increase volume, decrease volume.

How to run tests:

Change into the Jarvis/Jarvis directory

cd Jarvis/Jarvis

Then run unittest discover

python -m unittest discover



See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details