Docker Compose to run puppet infrastructure with useful modules and a control repo.
The goal of this is to stand up a working puppet infrastructure that dynamically connects to and deploys a control repo via r10k.
Currently the following is deployed as part of this puppet stack.
- puppetserver
- puppet-agetnt
- puppetdb
- puppetboard
- puppetexplorer
- puppet-catalog-diff-viewer
- Basic Startup without customization
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
- Basic Startup with customizations
- List Registered puppet agent certificates
docker exec -t puppet sh -c 'puppetserver ca list --all'
- Clear a puppet agent certificate
docker exec -t puppet sh -c 'puppetserver ca clean --certname'
- To Run r10k to update puppet modules
docker exec -t puppet sh -c 'cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production && r10k puppetfile install --verbose DEBUG2'