Chat app using React, React-router, Socket.io, Express and Redux. Made only for training purposes. Still in development.
Redux at the moment serves no purpose, but will get to that in a while.
- New design
- Login with username
- Links in chat (react-linkify)
- Appending messages
- Anti-spam
- Client-side timestamps
- Auto-scroll
- Some random names as default
- Users list
Known issues:
- No integration with localStorage/cookies/session (You'll have to log in every time)
- Logout not implemented
- Users list won't update
- RHS for mobile not yet implemented
- Autoscroll works even when you scroll up
- Better anti-spam system (Server-side too)
- Server-side timestamps
- Avatars
- Improve Auto-scroll
- Emoticons
- Private messages
- Rooms
- Some database
- Get BAD WORDS from external file
- 'instant message' for writer
Node version: 6.2.1
To begin:
npm install
gulp build
npm start // Starts both gulp and node server.js
Gulp tasks
gulp // Defaults to gulp watch
gulp build
gulp sass
gulp build
gulp watch
gulp files
gulp clean