
Go applications in one repository

Primary LanguageGo


  • Ready for creating Go applications in one repository.
  • Includes example of RESTful API service, but you can add more service types, for example workers, consumers, etc.
  • Go 1.16 + docker + docker-compose - easy setup on own server. No CI server required, just make docker-export and scp to your server.

Repository structure

  • Structure supports multiple services:
    • Each service has own directory in cmd folder for main function, which typically consists of dependencies and service start.
    • Service logic with tests are in internal/app.
  • Shared packages are in internal/pkg.
  • Storage entities and interfaces are in internal/storage. Interfaces can have multiple implementations of storages types like internal/storage/{rdb,memory,kv,object,document}.
  • All applications build in one docker image for easy distribution, so you should define explicit command in docker-compose or in k8s files for each service.


This template includes PostgreSQL connector, with tern migrator. Check migrations folder.


make docker-build
docker-compose up
make migrate

# test it
curl -i -X POST localhost:8080/1.0/articles --data '{"title": "New Book", "slug": "new-book"}'
curl -i -X GET localhost:8080/1.0/articles

Local development

cp .env.example .env.local
docker-compose up postgres
make migrate
make run


  • Service tests with mocked storages are in internal/app.
  • Storage tests are in internal/storage.

For testing postgres storages run docker-compose up postgres. Can be skipped with make test-short.