Simple Example Dremio Internal Functions

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This shows an example a custom function using Dremio's internal APIs.

Sample Functions

There are 3 examples in this repository, 'addstuff', 'concat' and 'protect' which are described in the following sections.

AddStuff Example

  • Purpose:

    • Demonstrate how to handle numbers as UDF function parameters
  • Usage example SELECT addstuff(5,10) from (values 1)

ConcatOp Example

  • Purpose:

    • Demonstrate how to handle numbers as UDF function parameters
  • Usage example SELECT example_concat_op("First","Second") from (values 1)

Protect Example

  • Purpose:

    • Setup a Protegrity sample example to do the protect operation. [NOTE: not certain whether this really is the way to call protegrity]
  • Usage example: SELECT protect("Category",'ABC') from sf_incidents

    This example assumes that you are using the samples directory and the sf_incidents file. Column names have "{Column name}" and the token text value is setup using '{protegrity token name}'

UnProtect Example

  • Purpose:

    • Setup a Protegrity sample example to do the unprotect operation. [NOTE: not certain whether this really is the way to call protegrity]
  • Usage example: SELECT unprotect("Category",'ABC') from sf_incidents

    This example assumes that you are using the samples directory and the sf_incidents file. Column names have "{Column name}" and the token text value is setup using '{protegrity token name}'

General comments

  • @params Defines the UDF function parameters

  • @output Defines the buffer which will be placed in the SELECT statement output

  • @Workspace Defines temporary variables for use within the UDF

  • setup() Executed at the start of the query. Used to grab variables useful as a constant for all rows in the query.

  • eval() Executed on each row of the query. The input values originate from the @param values and the output is an ArrowBuf identified by the @output attribute.

To Build and deploy

mvn clean package cp {target dir} /Java/dremio/jars/3rdparty restart dremio